Nsight Systems, 'DRAM Bandwidth' under GPU Metrics

Hello, I am profiling RTX 4080 with nsys-ui version 23.1.2

Per User Guide — nsight-systems 2024.1 documentation, I expected to see both GPU VRAM bandwidth and CPU DRAM bandwidth.

But on my own profiling, under GPU metrics, there is only ‘DRAM Bandwidth’.
I am confused if this is GPU VRAM(which is also DRAM) or CPU DRAM.

If you are on Nsys version 2023.1.2, you need to update to a newer version to get CPU counters.

Nsys 2024.1 is available from developer.nvidia.com/nsight-systems

I have now used 2024.1.1, there are noticeable added functionalities like python backtrace,
but still no ‘VRAM Bandwidth’, just ‘DRAM Bandwidth’.

Can I understand this as nsys is currently not accessing CPU counters and ‘DRAM Bandwidth’ refers to GPU VRAM bandwidth?

Yes, you can.