I had a jetson nano and i was unable to run tensorrt or tensorrt llm on it. I am planning to buy a Jetso Orin Nano. I would like to know whether the jetson orin nano supports tensorrt llm? I could not find the information in the documents
Thank you
July 30, 2024, 11:53pm
@kayccc thank you for your reply.
i wanted to run Bert QA model, for example given in
It needed tensorrt 10, which not coming with jetpack 6.
TensorRT 10 can work with JetPack 6.
For example, TensorRT 10.1 GA for JetPack
But TensorRT-LLM doesn’t officially support Jetson due to some dependency issues.
@AastaLLL Thankyou for the message.
with JetPack 6, in Jetson Orin Nano, will the examples given here work? (I understood this is not tensorrt llm)
Today, NVIDIA is releasing TensorRT 8.0, which introduces many transformer optimizations. With this post update, we present the latest TensorRT optimized BERT sample and its inference latency…
In the examples i cannot find a suitable version for jetpack 6.
The sample is also available for TensorRT 8.6 (from JetPack 6):
So you can give it a try.
But usually, LLMs require large memory so you might need to apply the below step:
August 28, 2024, 7:11am
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