Nvidia-smi product name error and no cuda capable device

I am using an MSI laptop with i5-9300H and RTX2060.
I got some problems while installing nvidia-driver and Cuda 10.1.
nvidia-smi can’t show the product name of GPU and Cuda can’t detect device

$ nvidia-smi -q
==============NVSMI LOG==============

Timestamp : Fri Apr 17 17:14:38 2020
Driver Version : 418.87.00
CUDA Version : 10.1

Attached GPUs : 1
GPU 00000000:01:00.0
Product Name : Unknown Error
Product Brand : GeForce
Display Mode : Disabled
Display Active : Disabled
Persistence Mode : Disabled
Accounting Mode : Disabled
Accounting Mode Buffer Size : 4000
Driver Model
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Serial Number : N/A
GPU UUID : GPU-f119a341-a5e4-eadb-7e11-2d65ea8729f8
Minor Number : 0
VBIOS Version :
MultiGPU Board : No
Board ID : 0x100
GPU Part Number : N/A
Inforom Version
Image Version : G001.0000.02.04
OEM Object : 1.1
ECC Object : N/A
Power Management Object : N/A
GPU Operation Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
GPU Virtualization Mode
Virtualization mode : None
Relaxed Ordering Mode : N/A
Bus : 0x01
Device : 0x00
Domain : 0x0000
Device Id : 0x1F1510DE
Bus Id : 00000000:01:00.0
Sub System Id : 0x12AA1462
GPU Link Info
PCIe Generation
Max : 3
Current : 1
Link Width
Max : 16x
Current : 16x
Bridge Chip
Type : N/A
Firmware : N/A
Replays Since Reset : 0
Replay Number Rollovers : 0
Tx Throughput : 117000 KB/s
Rx Throughput : 1000 KB/s
Fan Speed : N/A
Performance State : P8
Clocks Throttle Reasons
Idle : Active
Applications Clocks Setting : Not Active
SW Power Cap : Not Active
HW Slowdown : Not Active
HW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
HW Power Brake Slowdown : Not Active
Sync Boost : Not Active
SW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
Display Clock Setting : Not Active
FB Memory Usage
Total : 5904 MiB
Used : 292 MiB
Free : 5612 MiB
BAR1 Memory Usage
Total : 256 MiB
Used : 4 MiB
Free : 252 MiB
Compute Mode : Default
Gpu : 8 %
Memory : 2 %
Encoder : 0 %
Decoder : 0 %
Encoder Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
FBC Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
Ecc Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
ECC Errors
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
Retired Pages
Single Bit ECC : N/A
Double Bit ECC : N/A
Pending Page Blacklist : N/A
GPU Current Temp : 46 C
GPU Shutdown Temp : 98 C
GPU Slowdown Temp : 93 C
GPU Max Operating Temp : 87 C
Memory Current Temp : N/A
Memory Max Operating Temp : N/A
Power Readings
Power Management : N/A
Power Draw : 2.79 W
Power Limit : N/A
Default Power Limit : N/A
Enforced Power Limit : N/A
Min Power Limit : N/A
Max Power Limit : N/A
Graphics : 300 MHz
SM : 300 MHz
Memory : 405 MHz
Video : 540 MHz
Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Default Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Max Clocks
Graphics : 2100 MHz
SM : 2100 MHz
Memory : 5501 MHz
Video : 1950 MHz
Max Customer Boost Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Clock Policy
Auto Boost : N/A
Auto Boost Default : N/A
Process ID : 1021
Type : G
Name : /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
Used GPU Memory : 167 MiB
Process ID : 1878
Type : G
Name : compiz
Used GPU Memory : 123 MiB