NvRtx Caustic 5.3

Hi there,

With all the amazing new functionality in UE5.3 - including DLSS3.5 - is there any update on the Caustics branch for this release?

Is it actively being worked on?

Hi @VTY , we’re very busy working on OMM and some other updates, stay tuned !


I was also looking forward to caustic 5.3 . I was wondering if they merged with nvrtx, but It seems they aren’t. I can’t wait for 5.3 update on caustic branch.

Hi @jackwang1

Just curious if there’s any progress. OMM sounds very interesting!

Hope you have a nice weekend.


Is the caustics feature still planned for Unreal Engine version 5.3, or has it been removed from the program since we are nearing the release of version 5.4?

Hi @jackwang1

Is there any news on how Caustics for UE5.3 is progressing?

Hi @VTY @Shoonka !

We are currently working on a very important project which is not based on nvrtx.5.3, nvrtx caustics 5.3 is still on our backlog, we will update nvrtx caustics 5.3 maybe after Febuary. We have tones of new features updated, that’s the reason why it is delayed a bit.


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Thank you for the update!

Eagerly waiting for the result, just so you know ;)

Hi @jackwang1

Can I ask for an update on the progress for NVRTX Caustics? Are we skipping 5.3 to go directly to 5.4 perhaps? Is 5.3 still in the works?

Also very curious about your other big project - but I think it’s safe to assume you can’t share much about that ;)
