Hi, I am currently trying to setup OP-TEE on the Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit.
I am working on the latest files of Jetpack 6.0 and Jetson Linux 36.3.
When going through the atf_and_optee_README.txt file, I executed nv_public_src_build.sh as said in the txt file and it made the following output:
My first question is:
Should there be something else happening besides compiling the kernel sources, because it continues with searching for the directory “nvethernetrm”?
My second question:
If nothing is expected afterwards, I continue with the next step. For the python script gen_tos_part_img.py, where can I find the bl31.bin file required to generate the tos.img file? The usage of the script is shown as follows:
you should also extract both atf_src.tbz2 and nvidia-jetson-optee-source.tbz2 source package,
in practical, these two should be located together, for instance, I’ll create atf_and_optee/ folder, and extract both of them into the same folder.
please note that you’ve to setup the CROSS_COMPILE Environment Variable $ export CROSS_COMPILE_AARCH64_PATH=/home/jerry/L4T/l4t-gcc/aarch64--glibc--stable-2022.08-1 $ export CROSS_COMPILE_AARCH64=/home/jerry/L4T/l4t-gcc/aarch64--glibc--stable-2022.08-1/bin/aarch64-buildroot-linux-gnu- $ export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/jerry/L4T/l4t-gcc/aarch64--glibc--stable-2022.08-1/bin/aarch64-buildroot-linux-gnu- $ export UEFI_STMM_PATH=$OUT/JP_6/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/standalonemm_optee_t234.bin $ export NV_TARGET_BOARD=t234
you’ve running nv_public_src_build.sh and then nv_public_src_build_tos.sh .
for building all source tarballs, including the atf_src.tbz2 , you should run the nv_public_src_build.sh script.
if you’re seeing an error when running nv_public_src_build_tos.sh.
that’s due to the cryptography python package in your build system is too old.
re-cap as below…
".../optee/build/t234/export-ta_arm64/scripts/sign_encrypt.py", line 562, in parse
self.subkey_key = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(e, n).public_key()
TypeError: public_key() missing 1 required positional argument: 'backend'
you should running the following commands to resolve the build failure. $ sudo apt remove python3-cryptography $ pip3 install cryptography
I’m able to build the r36.3 ATF and OP-TEE sources.
for example, $ ./nv_public_src_build_tos.sh -p t234 -u $OUT/JP-6/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/standalonemm_optee_t234.bin -s $OUT/JP-6/Linux_for_Tegra/nv_tegra/tos-scripts/gen_tos_part_img.py
here’s the output directory src_out has created.
for example,
and also removed python3-cryptography and did pip3 install cryptography.
When executing the script to build the tos, I get the following:
andi@andi-usb3:~/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source$ ./nv_public_src_build_tos.sh -p t234 -u ~/jetson-linux/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/standalonemm_optee_t234.bin -s ~/jetson-linux/Linux_for_Tegra/nv_tegra/tos-scripts/gen_tos_part_img.py
Can't find the ATF image: /home/andi/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source/src_out/atf_src_build/arm-trusted-firmware/-t234/tegra/t234/release/bl31.bin
Did you run nv_public_src_build.sh?
When I executed nv_public_src_build.sh, these are the last lines of the execution:
I think the problem is in the nv_public_src_build.sh, because as you can see in the output of the script it builds the kernel sources but exits afterwards:
I had this failure reported as well, but, it’s not the root cause of your TOS building failure.
it looks an incorrect path has used, or a NULL property of NV_TARGET_BOARD.
please try build again with adding below environment variable, $ export NV_TARGET_BOARD=t234
and… please gather the complete error logs if you still seeing failures.
Hi JerryChang,
unfortunately the error persists.
I added a txt file with everything I just did. session.txt (492 KB)
As you can see, in the src_out contrary to your output, only the kernel_src_build folder appears. The rest is not created.
The arm_trusted_firmware folder that you can see in my txt file was created when I manually unpacked the atf_src.tbz2.
Is there something I am missing or need to download?
you should execute nv_public_src_build.sh and then nv_public_src_build_tos.sh.
and… it looks some misunderstanding, I meant we may ignore this message… Directory "nvethernetrm" is not found, exiting..
besides, regarding to below error reports.
Can't find the ATF image: /home/andi/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source/src_out/atf_src_build/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234/release/bl31.bin
please try running find commands,
for instance, here’re the path of bl31 binary files located. $ find src_out/ -name bl31.bin src_out/atf_src_build/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t194/tegra/t194/release/bl31.bin src_out/atf_src_build/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234/release/bl31.bin
Afterwards when I execute the build_tos script, I still get that error:
andi@andi-usb3:~/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source$ ./nv_public_src_build_tos.sh -p t234 -u ~/jetson-linux/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/standalonemm_optee_t234.bin -s ~/jetson-linux/Linux_for_Tegra/nv_tegra/tos-scripts/gen_tos_part_img.py
Can't find the ATF image: /home/andi/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source/src_out/atf_src_build/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234/release/bl31.bin
Did you run nv_public_src_build.sh?
since I cannot reproduce this locally, please double confirm you’ve downloaded the [Driver Package (BSP) Sources] package from jetson-linux-r363.
besides, may I know what’s your ubuntu version? I’m tested locally with 20.04 without failures. $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
Release: 20.04
I downloaded the package again and get the same error. I am using Ubuntu 22.04:
andi@andi-usb3:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
Do you know where exactly the atf_src_build folder comes from?
Because for me it is not appearing and it seems like it is needed for the nv_public_src_build_tos.sh script.
Because of that output Can't find the ATF image: /home/andi/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/src_out/atf_src_build/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234/release/bl31.bin Did you run nv_public_src_build.sh?
I ran nv_public_src_build.sh again but still there is only this one directory after executing nv_public_src_build.sh:
yes, I’ve running nv_public_src_build.sh and then nv_public_src_build_tos.sh.
actually, for building all source tarballs, including the atf_src.tbz2, you should run the nv_public_src_build.sh script.
I think I just found a workaround:
I did the following:
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source$ sudo -E ./nvbuild.sh
Building atf sources ..
Building atf sources for t194
make: *** /home/andi/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/: No such file or directory. Stop.
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source$ tar -xvjf atf_src.tbz2
After that, a folder arm_trusted_firmware appeared and I executed
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source$ cd arm-trusted-firmware/
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware$ ls
bl1 bl32 docs lib make_helpers readme.rst tools
bl2 changelog.yaml drivers license.rst package.json services
bl2u common fdts licenses package-lock.json t234-t194
bl31 dco.txt include Makefile plat t234-t234
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware$ cd t234-t2
bash: cd: t234-t2: No such file or directory
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware$ cd t234-t234/
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234$ ls
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234$ cd tegra/
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra$ ls
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra$ cd t234/
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234$ ls
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234$ cd release/
andi@andi-usb3:~/Downloads/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234/release$ ls
bl31 bl31.bin lib libc libwrapper romlib
I will try to build now the tos image again using this command:
andi@andi-usb3:~/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source/jetson-optee-srcs$ python3 gen_tos_part_img.py --monitor ~/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source/arm-trusted-firmware/t234-t234/tegra/t234/release/bl31.bin --os ./optee/build/t234/core/tee-raw.bin --dtb ./optee/tegra234-optee.dtb --tostype optee ./tos.img
Generating Trusted OS Partition Image File
Generate TOS Image File for boot-wrapper.
andi@andi-usb3:~/jetson-public-srcs/Linux_for_Tegra/source/jetson-optee-srcs$ ls
gen_tos_part_img.py img.bin nvcommon_build.sh optee optee_src_build.sh ' --os' tos.img
The img.bin was created before, I think there I made a mistake in the command. But I think now the tos.img will work and I will now flash the AGX Orin devkit with it.
I think another important step is extract atf_src.tbz2 and nvidia-jetson-optee-source.tbz2 source package,
in practical, these two should be located together, for instance, I’ll create atf_and_optee/ folder, and extract both of them into the same folder.
let me add that to my previous comment #5.
hope it helps others for building ATF and OP-TEE sources.
thank you so much for your help!
Afterwards, I executed apply_binaries.sh and /tools/l4t_flash_prerequisites.sh and then I flashed using sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit internal
After that, it also booted contrary to my previous flashing attempts. When it booted successfully, I set it up and ran sudo xtest, which resulted in 31066 subtests of which 0 failed, 133 test cases of which 0 failed and 0 tests were skipped.
Seems like it works fine :)
Thank you so much for your efforts!