Performance of zero-copy on jetson TX1


I have an issue with the performance of zero-copy on the jetson TX1 board. I followed the instructions found on this forum and came up with the following test program which uses nppi to perform a 45x45 convolution:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nppi.h>

#define UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF(stat) 						\
	do { 									\
		if(stat) {							\
			printf("Line %d: Error\n", __LINE__); 			\
			return 1;						\
		} else {							\
			printf("Line %d OK\n", __LINE__);			\
		} 								\
	} while(0)

int conv32(float *img_in, float *img_out, int width, int height, float *kernel, int fwidth, int fheight)
	NppiSize full, ks;
	NppiPoint anchor, zero;
	full.width = width;
	full.height = height;
	ks.width = fwidth;
	ks.height = fheight;
	anchor.x = fwidth/2;
	anchor.y = fheight/2;
	zero.x = 0;
	zero.y = 0;
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R(img_in, 4*width, full, zero, img_out, 4*width, full, kernel, ks, anchor, (NppiBorderType)2) );
	return 0;

int main()
	float *img_in_cpu = 0, *img_in_gpu = 0;
	float *img_out_cpu = 0, *img_out_gpu = 0;
	float *kernel_cpu = 0, *kernel_gpu = 0;
	float runtime;
	int i;
	int width = 640, height = 480, fwidth = 45, fheight = 45;

	cudaDeviceProp prop;
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, 0) );
        printf( "canMapHostMemory: %d\n", (int)prop.canMapHostMemory );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( !prop.canMapHostMemory );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaSetDevice(0) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaSetDeviceFlags(cudaDeviceMapHost) );

	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaHostAlloc((void**)&img_in_cpu, sizeof(float)*640*480, cudaHostAllocMapped) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaHostAlloc((void**)&img_out_cpu, sizeof(float)*640*480, cudaHostAllocMapped) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaHostAlloc((void**)&kernel_cpu, sizeof(float)*45*45, cudaHostAllocMapped) );
	printf("cpu pointers: %p %p %p\n", img_in_cpu, img_out_cpu, kernel_cpu);
#if 1
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaHostGetDevicePointer( (void**)&img_in_gpu, (void*)img_in_cpu, 0) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaHostGetDevicePointer( (void**)&img_out_gpu, (void*)img_out_cpu, 0) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaHostGetDevicePointer( (void**)&kernel_gpu, (void*)kernel_cpu, 0) );
	img_in_gpu = img_in_cpu;
	img_out_gpu = img_out_cpu;
	kernel_gpu = kernel_cpu;
	printf("gpu pointers: %p %p %p\n", img_in_gpu, img_out_gpu, kernel_gpu);
	for( i = 0; i < width*height; i++ )
		img_in_cpu[i] = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
		img_out_cpu[i] = 0.f;
	for( i = 0; i < fwidth*fheight; i++ )
		kernel_cpu[i] = 0.f;
	kernel_cpu[(fheight/2)*fwidth + (fwidth/2)] = 1.f;

	cudaEvent_t start, stop;

	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( conv32(img_in_gpu, img_out_gpu, width, height, kernel_gpu, fwidth, fheight) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaEventElapsedTime( &runtime, start, stop) );
	printf( "Convolution done, runtime: %.1f ms\n", runtime );

The output of the program is as follows:

Line 43 OK
canMapHostMemory: 1
Line 45 OK
Line 46 OK
Line 47 OK
Line 49 OK
Line 50 OK
Line 51 OK
cpu pointers: 0x100be0000 0x100d20000 0x100e60000
Line 55 OK
Line 56 OK
Line 57 OK
gpu pointers: 0x100be0000 0x100d20000 0x100e60000
Line 29 OK
Line 81 OK
Line 84 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 3968.8 ms

Now, when I perform the same operation using a classical memcpy-based approach, I get kernel runtimes of around 22 ms (neglecting the transfer times). The test program for this is written in python, see here:

# benchmark gpu 32bit floating point convolution

from ctypes import *
from pycuda import gpuarray, autoinit
from scipy.ndimage import filters as scfi
import time
import sys
import numpy as np

npp = CDLL("")

class NppiSize(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("width", c_int), ("height", c_int)]

class NppiPoint(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)]

npp.nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int, NppiSize, NppiPoint, 
                                         c_void_p, c_int, NppiSize, c_void_p, NppiSize, 
                                         NppiPoint, c_int]
npp.nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R.restype = c_int

def conv32(input, kernel, output):
    assert( input.dtype == np.float32 and kernel.dtype == np.float32 and output.dtype == np.float32 and input.shape == output.shape )
    full = NppiSize()
    full.width = input.shape[1]
    full.height = input.shape[0]
    ks = NppiSize()
    ks.width = kernel.shape[1]
    ks.height = kernel.shape[0]
    anchor = NppiPoint()
    anchor.x = kernel.shape[1]//2
    anchor.y = kernel.shape[0]//2
    zero = NppiPoint()
    zero.x = 0
    zero.y = 0
    res = npp.nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R(int(input.gpudata ), 4*input.shape[1] , full, zero, 
                                       int(output.gpudata), 4*output.shape[1], full, int(kernel.gpudata), ks, anchor, 2)
    assert res == 0
    return output

def profconv(I,O,K,num_runs=10,burst_size=100):
    t = []
    lastT = time.time()
    for i in range(num_runs):
        for b in range(burst_size):
            O = conv32(I, K, O)
        ct = time.time()
        lastT = ct
    runtimes = np.array(t) * 1000.

    flop_per_conv = I.size*K.size

    print("Image dim %3d x %3d kernel dim %3d x %3d: runtime: avg=%7.2f ms  std=%7.2fms  first=%7.2f  GFLOPS: avg=%7.3f" %
                 (I.shape[0], I.shape[1], K.shape[0], K.shape[1], np.mean(runtimes[1:]), np.std(runtimes[1:]), runtimes[0], flop_per_conv/(np.mean(runtimes[1:])/1000.)/(1024*1024*1024) ))
    ot = scfi.convolve(I.get(), K.get(), mode='nearest')
    eq = np.allclose(ot,O.get())
    if not np.all(eq):

    return O

if __name__ == "__main__":
    num_runs = 10
    burst_size = 10
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        num_runs = int(sys.argv[1])
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        burst_size = int(sys.argv[2])
    I = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.reshape( np.arange(9, dtype=np.float32), (3,3)))
    O = gpuarray.zeros( I.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    K = gpuarray.zeros( (3,3), dtype=np.float32 ) + 1/9.

    O = profconv(I,O,K)

    I = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.random.rand( 640, 480).astype(np.float32))
    O = gpuarray.zeros( I.shape, dtype=np.float32 )

    for ks in [(3,3), (3,5), (3,7), (3,9), (5,3), (5,5), (5,7), (5,9), (7,3), (7,5), (7,7), (7,9), (9,3), (9,5), (9,7), (9,9), (15,15), (25,25), (35,35), (45,45)]:
        K = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.random.rand(ks[0], ks[1]).astype(np.float32))
        O = profconv(I,O,K, num_runs=num_runs, burst_size=burst_size)

and the output is this:

Image dim   3 x   3 kernel dim   3 x   3: runtime: avg=   0.06 ms  std=   0.00ms  first=   9.68  GFLOPS: avg=  0.001
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   3 x   3: runtime: avg=   0.63 ms  std=   0.23ms  first=   0.82  GFLOPS: avg=  4.109
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   3 x   5: runtime: avg=   0.71 ms  std=   0.15ms  first=   0.87  GFLOPS: avg=  6.075
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   3 x   7: runtime: avg=   0.61 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=   0.64  GFLOPS: avg=  9.855
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   3 x   9: runtime: avg=   0.62 ms  std=   0.01ms  first=   0.64  GFLOPS: avg= 12.400
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   5 x   3: runtime: avg=   0.65 ms  std=   0.01ms  first=   0.68  GFLOPS: avg=  6.642
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   5 x   5: runtime: avg=   0.42 ms  std=   0.00ms  first=   0.42  GFLOPS: avg= 16.875
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   5 x   7: runtime: avg=   0.77 ms  std=   0.02ms  first=   0.77  GFLOPS: avg= 12.963
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   5 x   9: runtime: avg=   0.85 ms  std=   0.02ms  first=   0.89  GFLOPS: avg= 15.085
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   7 x   3: runtime: avg=   0.80 ms  std=   0.02ms  first=   0.83  GFLOPS: avg=  7.551
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   7 x   5: runtime: avg=   0.86 ms  std=   0.04ms  first=   0.88  GFLOPS: avg= 11.605
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   7 x   7: runtime: avg=   0.99 ms  std=   0.02ms  first=   1.02  GFLOPS: avg= 14.137
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   7 x   9: runtime: avg=   1.08 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=   1.12  GFLOPS: avg= 16.767
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   9 x   3: runtime: avg=   0.92 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=   0.95  GFLOPS: avg=  8.353
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   9 x   5: runtime: avg=   1.01 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=   1.05  GFLOPS: avg= 12.795
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   9 x   7: runtime: avg=   1.16 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=   1.21  GFLOPS: avg= 15.475
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim   9 x   9: runtime: avg=   1.29 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=   1.36  GFLOPS: avg= 18.019
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim  15 x  15: runtime: avg=   2.77 ms  std=   0.06ms  first=   2.90  GFLOPS: avg= 23.268
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim  25 x  25: runtime: avg=   6.53 ms  std=   0.04ms  first=   6.96  GFLOPS: avg= 27.371
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim  35 x  35: runtime: avg=  13.08 ms  std=   0.03ms  first=  14.05  GFLOPS: avg= 26.792
Image dim 640 x 480 kernel dim  45 x  45: runtime: avg=  21.85 ms  std=   0.05ms  first=  23.52  GFLOPS: avg= 26.516

I don’t have an explanation for the massive performance degradation introduced by the zero-copy variant. Can anyone help me out here?

Here is the system configuration:

# lscpu
Architecture:          aarch64
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                4
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
Thread(s) per core:    1
Core(s) per socket:    1
Socket(s):             4
Model name:            ARMv8 Processor rev 1 (v8l)
CPU max MHz:           1734.0000
CPU min MHz:           102.0000
Hypervisor vendor:     (null)
Virtualization type:   full
# uname -mrs
Linux 3.10.96-tegra aarch64
# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Release:        16.04
Codename:       xenial

This may be a memory cache issue.
I have no big knowledge of the memory manager on various releases, but I think pinned memory allocated with cudaHostAllocMapped is not cached. So it is useful as input or output for avoiding cpu/gpu copies, but your kernel should work on its own allocated memory that could be cached for being fast.

Someone with deeper knowledge may confirm or correct this.

Thanks, that would indeed explain the slow performance. So the zero copy approach is only useful, if the first kernel reads the zero copied memory only once and the result is put in “gpu-only memory” (opposed to my convolution example, which reads the memory 45*45 times); the same is true for the output buffers. I probably have to read more about CUDA memory management.


It’s recommended to use unified memory to get better performance.

  1. Location:
    Unified Memory offers a “single-pointer-to-data” model that is conceptually similar to CUDA’s zero-copy memory. One key difference between the two is that with zero-copy allocations the physical location of memory is pinned in CPU system memory such that a program may have fast or slow access to it depending on where it is being accessed from. Unified Memory, on the other hand, decouples memory and execution spaces so that all data accesses are fast.

  2. Cache:
    As Honey mentioned, both CPU and GPU caches are bypassed for zero-copy memory.
    But unified memory does the cache management to ensure data coherence. The driver on Tegra does not move data for unified memory; it just does cache ops. Unified memory map same pages to both CPU and GPU and both caches are enabled.


Thanks for the confirmation of the cache behaviour. I wrote a little test program using unified memory:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nppi.h>

#define UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF(stat) 						\
	do { 									\
		if(stat) {							\
			printf("Line %d: Error\n", __LINE__); 			\
			return 1;						\
		} else {							\
			printf("Line %d OK\n", __LINE__);			\
		} 								\
	} while(0)

int conv32(float *img_in, float *img_out, int width, int height, float *kernel, int fwidth, int fheight)
	NppiSize full, ks;
	NppiPoint anchor, zero;
	full.width = width;
	full.height = height;
	ks.width = fwidth;
	ks.height = fheight;
	anchor.x = fwidth/2;
	anchor.y = fheight/2;
	zero.x = 0;
	zero.y = 0;
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( nppiFilterBorder_32f_C1R(img_in, 4*width, full, zero, img_out, 4*width, full, kernel, ks, anchor, (NppiBorderType)2) );
	return 0;

int main()
	float *img_in_cpu = 0, *img_in_gpu = 0;
	float *img_out_cpu = 0, *img_out_gpu = 0;
	float *kernel_cpu = 0, *kernel_gpu = 0;
	float runtime;
	int i, k;
	int width = 640, height = 480, fwidth = 45, fheight = 45;

	cudaDeviceProp prop;
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaSetDevice(0) );

	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaMallocManaged((void**)&img_in_cpu, sizeof(float)*640*480) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaMallocManaged((void**)&img_out_cpu, sizeof(float)*640*480) );
	UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaMallocManaged((void**)&kernel_cpu, sizeof(float)*45*45) );
	img_in_gpu = img_in_cpu;
	img_out_gpu = img_out_cpu;
	kernel_gpu = kernel_cpu;

	printf("pointers: %p %p %p\n", img_in_gpu, img_out_gpu, kernel_gpu);
	for( k = 0; k < 10; k++ )
		if( k < 5 )
			for( i = 0; i < width*height; i++ )
				img_in_cpu[i] = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
				img_out_cpu[i] = 0.f;
			for( i = 0; i < fwidth*fheight; i++ )
				kernel_cpu[i] = 0.f;
			kernel_cpu[(fheight/2)*fwidth + (fwidth/2)] = 1.f;

		cudaEvent_t start, stop;

		UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( conv32(img_in_gpu, img_out_gpu, width, height, kernel_gpu, fwidth, fheight) );
		UNEXPECTED_ERROR_IF( cudaEventElapsedTime( &runtime, start, stop) );
		printf( "Convolution done, runtime: %.1f ms\n", runtime );

Again, a 45x45 float32 convolution is performed, this time on the unified memory. In the first 5 iterations, the memory is touched by the CPU (to invalidate the GPU cache). In the remaining iterations, the memory is used only by the GPU. This is the output:

# ./unified_memory
Line 50 OK
Line 52 OK
Line 53 OK
Line 54 OK
pointers: 0x100be0000 0x100d0c000 0x100024000
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 1279.7 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 93.9 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 140.3 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 279.5 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 111.4 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 48.3 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 26.1 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 26.3 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.2 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 83 OK
Line 86 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.3 ms

Discarding the very first call (which might be flawed by some initialization overheads), I can still see a relatively high runtime penalty using unified memory when touching the memory on the CPU (the runtimes varies from 93 ms to 279 ms, with quite some jittering). Using dedicated GPU memory, the runtimes seem to be much more stable, and I have profiled the memcpy overhead to be below 10 ms (copying 1 MB from host to device lasts 2.3ms and from device to host lasts 4.5ms).

The tests which are not invalidating the GPU caches are still jittering a lot more than my original python tests using dedicated GPU memory (22ms to 26ms, 48ms in the first run).

So it seems that using unified memory still introduces a runtime penalty on the Tegra systems compared to using dedicated GPU memory areas?

I have also read this section in the documentation, which confuses me a little bit:

Is this (concurrent CPU/GPU accesses lead to segmentation faults) true on the Tegra device as well? I see that concurrentManagedAccess is set to 0 on the Tegra.

Thanks in advance.


Do you maximize TX2 performance first?

sudo ~/
sudo nvpmodel -m 0

Thanks, I haven’t been aware of this. Now I get this output:

# ./unified_memory
Line 49 OK
Line 51 OK
concurrentManagedAccess: 0
Line 55 OK
Line 56 OK
Line 57 OK
pointers: 0x100be0000 0x100d0c000 0x100024000
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 1226.7 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.2 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.2 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.2 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.3 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.0 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.1 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.0 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.6 ms
Line 36 OK
Line 86 OK
Line 89 OK
Convolution done, runtime: 22.0 ms

leading to similar runtime as the original tests with dedicated GPU memory regardless of whether the memory is touched by CPU or not; so unified memory seems to be the way to go.

I’m still wondering about the second question in my previous post about the concurrent memory accesses to unified memory, I’d appreciate an answer to that.

Thank you very much!


Thanks for the testing.
We will feedback this issue and update information to you later.



Sorry for the late update.
This video show you what exactly CUDA driver do when touching data from CPU or GPU:

For the second question, CPU is not allowed to access managed memory while the GPU is active. Or you will meet segmentation fault error.
