Problem compiling ffmpeg with nvenc using visual studio 2015 community edition

I’m trying to build ffmpeg w/ nvenc on Windows 10 64 bit and visual studio 2015 community edition. The command from step 10 in the Using FFmpeg with NVIDIA GPU Hardware Acceleration doc:

./configure --enable-nonfree --enable-cuda-sdk --enable-libnpp –-toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags=-I…/nv_sdk --extraldflags=-libpath:…/nv_sdk

Gives me the error ‘Unknown option “–-toolchain=msvc”’

Background: I’ve executed the commands (changed the path in the first, I’m not sure its right):

export PATH=“/C/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx64/x64/”:$PATH export PATH=“/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.0/bin/”:$PATH

And …/nv_sdk has the subdirectories include & bin, copied from the NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit directory.

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Did you solve this? I am facing this problem too.

First write the command ./configure --toolchain=msvc. After configuration has finished, run the configuration again like this: ./configure -toolchain=msvc --enable-cuda-nvcc --enable-nonfree --enable-libnpp --extra-cflags=-I…/nv_sdk --extraldflags=-libpath:…/nv_sdk. Do not use –enable-cuda-sdk, it has been deprecated. There will be error again. Modify the configure file in the main directory. Search for the word gencode in the file. You will see a line like this: nvccflags_default=“-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -O2”. Replace 30 by converting your gpu’s compute capability version. FOR EXAMPLE: if your gpu has compute capability 6.1 then replace 30 with 61.

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Thank you for sharing the solution and I’d like to mention that there are some typos in the command.
In the second command:
should be


I do NOT think you need to run the following first if the typo in the second command is fixed:
./configure --toolchain=msvc

And this forum editor may changed
to some weird … unicode character, be careful when you copy them. (The ones next to libpath and extra-cflags

The command works for me:
./configure --enable-cuda-nvcc --disable-shared --enable-nonfree --enable-libnpp --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags=-I../nv_sdk --extra-ldflags=-libpath:../nv_sdk

The gencode comment really helped me a lot. I changed it to 61 as I’m using GTX 1080 and its compute capability is 6.1
and you can find yours here: CUDA GPUs - Compute Capability | NVIDIA Developer

In my case, I proceeded as follows. I’m using visual studio 2019.
Please comment if you know how to fix it.

msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64

export PATH=“/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/amd64/”:$PATH
export PATH=“/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.2/bin/”:$PATH

$ which cl
/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/bin/amd64/cl

$ cd nv-codec-header
$ make install PREFIX=/usr

$ cd…
$ cd ffmpeg

$ ./configure --enable-cuda-sdk --disable-shared --enable-nonfree --enable-libnpp --toolchain=msvc --extra-cflags=-I…/nv_sdk --extra-ldflags=-libpath:…/nv_sdk

The cl.exe error occurs as shown below.

cl.exe is unable to create an executable file.
If cl.exe is a cross-compiler, use the --enable-cross-compile option.
Only do this if you know what cross compiling means.
C compiler test failed.

If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
version from Git. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on
Include the log file “ffbuild/config.log” produced by configure as this will help
solve the problem.

My Error Log as shown below.

test_ld cc
BEGIN ./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.c
1 int main(void){ return 0; }
END ./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.c
cl.exe -nologo -I…/nv_sdk -c -Fo./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.o ./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.c
./compat/windows/mslink -libpath:…/nv_sdk -nologo -out:./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.exe ./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.o
LINK : error LNK2001: mainCRTStartup 외부 기호를 확인할 수 없습니다.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\lib\x86\LIBCMT.lib : warning LNK4272: ‘X86’ 라이브러리 컴퓨터 종류가 ‘x64’ 대상 컴퓨터 종류와 충돌합니다.
./ffconf.fLNB2Hzt/test.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1개의 확인할 수 없는 외부 참조입니다.
C compiler test failed.

I’m also trying today to compile with Visual Studio 2019 and every time I have the following error:

MINGW64 ~/ffmpeg
$ ./configure --toolchain=msvc
cl.exe is unable to create an executable file.
If cl.exe is a cross-compiler, use the --enable-cross-compile option.
Only do this if you know what cross compiling means.
C compiler test failed.

If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
version from Git. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on
Include the log file “ffbuild/config.log” produced by configure as this will help
solve the problem.

Please help.

I did everything else recommended by xywhpanda, even changed the gencode, but always getting the same error

from the log I see this:
WARNING: Unknown C compiler cl.exe, unable to select optimal CFLAGS
test_ld cc
BEGIN ./ffconf.A0M5rfxR/test.c
1 int main(void){ return 0; }
END ./ffconf.A0M5rfxR/test.c
cl.exe -c -o ./ffconf.A0M5rfxR/test.o ./ffconf.A0M5rfxR/test.c
./configure: line 983: cl.exe: command not found
C compiler test failed.

I am getting the same error and have not found any solution online. Have you found one?

–-toolchain=msvc wrong spell before toolchain

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I’ve followed this guide to install cuda-nvcc and libnpp with ffmpeg.
I’m on Windows 10, running msys2 and mingw64, with a GTX 1080.
This guide is outdated for me, on certain parts at least.
This reply is my attempt to help others to compile, with a couple of questions at the end.

Corrections to the compilation guide:

  1. the path to the bin folder of the NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit is directly added to the path as you can see it in the Environement variables when installating it:

  2. the path to the Visual studio 12 might be correct but not for Visual studio 2019:
    export PATH="/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30037/bin/Hostx64/x64":$PATH

Btw is it still relevant to have a guide which uses Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 for windows?

  1. As pointed out in the commonly faced issues and tips to resolve them, i am running mingw64 :
    Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 :
cd C:\dev\msys64
msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -use-full-path

And also passing the correct flags corresponding to my graphic card to nvcc :

--nvccflags="-gencode arch=compute_52,code=sm_52 -O2"

I have also passed the extra --extra-ldflags to the linker like this : --extra-ldflags=-libpath:"PathToStuff" ( as pointed here too).

  1. I have renamed the mingw64 linker to avoid confusion with MSVC linker :
mv /usr/bin/link.exe /usr/bin/link.exe.bak
# then
which link
#gives me
/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30037/bin/Hostx64/x64/link
  1. ('ve copied the content of the folders:

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.5\include to C:\dev\msys64\ThirdParty\ffmpeg\nv_sdk\include
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.5\lib\x64 to C:\dev\msys64\ThirdParty\ffmpeg\nv_sdk\lib

Using 1) to 5), I’ve configured FFmpeg version 4.3.3 with the following:
Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 :

cd C:\dev\msys64
msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64 -use-full-path

In the mingw64 shell :

cd /ThirdParty/ffmpeg/FFmpeg-n4.3.3
 ./configure \
--toolchain=msvc \
--prefix="/ThirdParty/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_build" \
--target-os=mingw64 \
--arch=x86_64 \
--extra-ldflags=-libpath:"/ThirdParty/ffmpeg/nv_sdk/lib" \
--extra-cflags=-I"/ThirdParty/ffmpeg/nv_sdk/include" \
--nvccflags="-gencode arch=compute_52,code=sm_52 -O2" \
--toolchain=msvc \
--enable-cuda-nvcc \
--enable-libnpp \
--enable-shared \
--enable-avresample \
--pkg-config=pkg-config \
--disable-debug \
--disable-w32threads \
--enable-dxva2 \
--enable-d3d11va \
--enable-nonfree \
--enable-gpl \
--disable-doc \

How can I compile FFmpeg with more flags such as those:

--enable-libopencore_amrwb \
--enable-libopenjpeg \
--enable-libopus \
--enable-librtmp \
--enable-libsoxr \
--enable-libspeex \
--enable-libsrt \
--enable-libtheora \
--enable-libvorbis \
--enable-libx264 \
--enable-libx265 \
--enable-libxvid \
--enable-libvpx \
--enable-libwebp \
--enable-libxml2 \
--enable-openal \
--enable-pic \
--enable-postproc \
--enable-runtime-cpudetect \
--enable-swresample \
--enable-version3 \
--enable-vulkan \
--enable-zlib \

Is using msvc it seems like it’s not possible to include them straight.
Do I need to recompile them individually?



You can build any lib you want for msvc toolchin with visual studio and vcpkg very easy :

visual studio.
Just Run visual studio native x64 command line , redirect to any folder you want , then run :

git clone GitHub - microsoft/vcpkg: C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS

cd vcpkg



Now to build for example static libopus for msvc toolchin, just run :

vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static opus

For static x264 just run :
vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static x264
For static x265 just run ;
vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static x265

To search any lib or pkg , just run :

vcpkg search libUwant


ok will give it a go soon and report here.

That’s the right answer , the spell is --toolchain=msvc not –-toolchain=msvc .
wrong Dash before toolchain

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Ok, I have tested it and it works, using release:

For example :

vcpkg --triplet=x64-windows-release install libvorbis  --debug

Great tool, and great tip @rroben27 .

However, had to patch openssl with this patch and x265 with my own :

In the configure file of the FFmpeg install:

# enabled libx265           && require_pkg_config libx265 x265 x265.h x265_api_get &&
#                              require_cpp_condition libx265 x265.h "X265_BUILD >= 70"
enabled libx265           && { check_pkg_config libx265 x265 "stdint.h x265.h" x265_api_get ||
                                { require libx265 "stdint.h x265.h" x265_api_get "-llibx265 $pthreads_extralibs $libm_extralibs" &&
                                warn "using libx265 without pkg-config"; } } &&
                             require_cpp_condition libx265 x265.h "X265_BUILD >= 70"

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