Problem manipulating half precision variables in CUDA kernel


I’ve got a problem in a CUDA kernel, which uses half precision floats (by including cuda_fp16.h).

This is quite difficult to post about, because the code looks ok (I believe), and it’s hard to debug exactly what is in each variable when running the kernel, and it’s hard for me to prove that I am sending sensible data into the algorithm. However, apart from the PROBLEM_SECTION, this code reproduces the values which another implementation of this algorithm in OpenCV produces on the same hardware, so the majority of this code works as expected.

The problem shows up when I allow line 107 (counting in the main kernel listing, below) to compile. The half2 variable th should contain 1.0 and 1.0. This comes from the lines:

half thrshhi = __hgt (__high2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh) ? oneh : zeroh;
half thrshlo = __hgt (__low2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh_alt) ? oneh : zeroh;

Both halves of a_h2[i] contains a 0.1 or a 1.0; dbthresh and dbthresh_alt contain 0.001, so thrshhi and thrshlo should both end up containing the content of oneh, which is 1.0. (On a side note: I had to use dbthresh_alt (which is essentially a copy of dbthresh) in the second __hgt() call to avoid strange behaviour which showed up in CUDA 8 but not CUDA 9, so I have already had to work through some oddness on this platform).

So, now in line 107 (in the big listing), we should get 1.0 and 1.0 being written into the variable th:

half2 th = __halves2half2 (thrshlo, thrshhi); // Ok

Then a_real_h2[i] should be unchanged by this operation:

// L1 wipe out black regions
a_real_h2[i] = __hmul2 (a_real_h2[i], th); // Bad: a_real_h2 is set to 0; th should contain 1.0 and 1.0

However, when this line is enabled, it behaves as if th contained 0.0 and 0.0.

Can anyone suggest a way forward to understanding what’s going on here?

kind regards,

Seb James

Here’s the whole kernel:

#define USE_DRONE_BLANKING 1 // This IS defined when compiling
__global__ void
avdu_monolith_fp16_update (float* in_sep_fl,
                           half2* in_sep_h2,
                           half2* in_scaled2,
                           half2* a_h2,
                           half2* a_real_h2,
                           half2* b_h2,
                           half2* prevthresh_h2,
                           half2 dbthreshh2,
                           half2 oneh2,
                           half2 zeroh2,

                           half2 scale_pr_slow_h2,
                           half2 scale_pr_fast_h2,
                           half2 inv_scale_pr_slow_h2,
                           half2 inv_scale_pr_fast_h2,

                           half2 scale_no_delay_h2,
                           half2 scale_fast_delay_h2,
                           half2 scale_slow_delay_h2,
                           half2 inv_scale_no_delay_h2,
                           half2 inv_scale_fast_delay_h2,
                           half2 inv_scale_slow_delay_h2)
    // For LIN maps, blockIdx.y gives the map ID.
    int mapid = blockIdx.y;

    // i is an iterator into the 4xLINlayer memory
    // regions. mapid*gridDim.x*blockDim.x is the number of threads in
    // one of the four maps.
    int iin = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
    int imapid = mapid*gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
    int i = imapid + iin;

    // Input is from pr.a for most of the layers and from separate
    // memory for the pr layer.  Input needs an individual pointer index,
    // which is iin.
    half2* inp = &a_h2[0];

    if (mapid == 0) {
        // if mapid is 0, then we're computing the PR; use separate input.
        inp = in_sep_h2;

        // If necessary, convert from float to half2 for PR layer's input:
        if (in_sep_fl != (float*)0) {
            int in_fl_i = iin*2; // or << 1
            half in_high = __float2half (in_sep_fl[in_fl_i]);
            half in_low = __float2half (in_sep_fl[in_fl_i]);

            inp[iin] = __halves2half2 (in_high, in_low);

        // And do all the PR specific stuff.

        // For use later. Can potentially put zeroh, oneh into arg list to
        // avoid these operations.
        half zeroh = __low2half (zeroh2);
        half zeroh_alt = __high2half (zeroh2); // Used in CUDA-8.0 __hgt() workaround, later.
        half oneh = __low2half (oneh2);

        half dbthresh = __low2half (dbthreshh2);
        half dbthresh_alt = __high2half (dbthreshh2); // CUDA-8.0 __hgt() workaround
        // threshold binary.
        half thrshhi = __hgt (__high2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh) ? oneh : zeroh;
        half thrshlo = __hgt (__low2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh_alt) ? oneh : zeroh;
        half maskhi = __hlt (__high2half (prevthresh_h2[i]), thrshhi) ? oneh : zeroh;
        half masklo = __hlt (__low2half (prevthresh_h2[i]), thrshlo) ? oneh : zeroh;

        // Add weighted (__hfma2 is arg1*arg2 + arg3, so this is inp*inv_slow + b*slow
        b_h2[i] = __hfma2 (b_h2[i], scale_pr_slow_h2, __hmul2 (inp[iin], inv_scale_pr_slow_h2));

        half b_h2hi = __high2half (b_h2[i]);
        half b_h2lo = __low2half (b_h2[i]);
        half inputhi = __high2half (inp[iin]);
        half inputlo = __low2half (inp[iin]);
        b_h2hi = __hgt (maskhi, zeroh) ? inputhi : b_h2hi;
        b_h2lo = __hgt (masklo, zeroh_alt) ? inputlo : b_h2lo;
        b_h2[i] = __halves2half2 (b_h2lo, b_h2hi);

        // now combine inp with b. Result of (inp - b_h2) written into
        // in_scaled2:
        in_scaled2[i] = __hsub2 (inp[iin], b_h2[i]);

        // Another add weighted
        a_real_h2[i] = __hfma2 (a_real_h2[i], scale_pr_fast_h2, __hmul2 (in_scaled2[i], inv_scale_pr_fast_h2));

        // Another CUDA bug - the line: prevthresh_h2[i] =
        // thresholded_h2[i]; upsets what gets written into a_h2 after
        // here. Also, the first line: a_real_h2[i] = __hmul2
        // (a_real_h2[i], thresholded_h2[i]); also mucks the operation
        // up. These problems occur using CUDA 9 on a desktop PC as
        // well as on the Tegra TX2.
        // L0 Place two halves into a temporary variable
        half2 th = __halves2half2 (thrshlo, thrshhi); // Ok

        // L1 wipe out black regions
        a_real_h2[i] = __hmul2 (a_real_h2[i], th); // Bad: a_real_h2 is set to 0; th should contain 1.0 and 1.0

        // L2 store old threshold values to detect transitions
        prevthresh_h2[i] = th;


        // compensate for up / down - negate
        a_h2[i] = __hneg2 (a_real_h2[i]);

        // src, dst, threshold, value. If > 0.0 then a_h2 unchanged, else, set a_h2 to value.
        half a_h2hi = __high2half (a_h2[i]);
        half a_h2lo = __low2half (a_h2[i]);
        // Note that we have to do a separate comparison of the high part
        // and the low part of the half2; I don't think there's any
        // getting around this.
        a_h2hi = (__hgt (a_h2hi, zeroh) == true) ? a_h2hi : zeroh;
        // NB: Here I use a DIFFERENT variable containing 0 for the
        // comparison (zeroh_alt). This is a workaround for a bug which
        // manifests with CUDA-8.0. The bug does not show when I run this
        // code on CUDA-9.0 on a Desktop GPU (sm_61; GTX1070)
        a_h2lo = (__hgt (a_h2lo, zeroh_alt) == true) ? a_h2lo : zeroh;

        // a_h2[i] is the result of the linlayer process and forms inputs
        // for the shift multiply process.
        // The CUDA-8 bug *shows* here; the correct value appears in
        // a_h2[i] for a_h2lo, but 0 always appeared for a_h2hi.
        a_h2[i] = __halves2half2 (a_h2lo, a_h2hi);

    } else if (mapid == 1) {
        // No Delay
        a_h2[i] = __hfma2(inp[iin], inv_scale_no_delay_h2, __hmul2(a_h2[i], scale_no_delay_h2));

    } else if (mapid == 2) {
        // Fast Delay
        a_h2[i] = __hfma2(inp[iin], inv_scale_fast_delay_h2, __hmul2(a_h2[i], scale_fast_delay_h2));

    } else if (mapid == 3) {
        // Slow Delay
        a_h2[i] = __hfma2(inp[iin], inv_scale_slow_delay_h2, __hmul2(a_h2[i], scale_slow_delay_h2));
} // avdu_monolith_fp16_update()


We have a CUDA sample to demonstrate fp16 use-case.
Please check fp16ScalarProduct sample in /usr/local/cuda-8.0/samples/0_Simple/fp16ScalarProduct/.



Thanks for the pointer to the example. I took note of the liberal use of the const keyword in the example, to ensure that unexpected changes don’t occur in variables. I have added similar use of const to my own code accordingly.

I have determined that the issue appears to be with the __hgt() function call.

I believe I am using Tegra version 27.1 firmware code. Do you know if there have been any changes to the FP16 code between 27.1 and the latest 28.1 version? Perhaps I should upgrade? Is the only way to upgrade to completely re-flash the TX2?

For proof that the problem is with the __hgt() function, see the section PROBLEM_OCCURS_HERE. I present a little argument to suggest that __hgt() is not working right.

Have there been any problems with __hgt()?


Seb James

// USE_DRONE_BLANKING is always defined
// I'm using a couple of ifdefs for labels.
__global__ void
avdu_monolith_fp16_update (float* const in_sep_fl,
                           half2* const in_sep_h2,
                           half2* const in_scaled2,
                           half2* const a_h2,
                           half2* const a_real_h2,
                           half2* const b_h2,
                           half2* const prevthresh_h2,
                           half2 const dbthreshh2,
                           half2 const oneh2,
                           half2 const zeroh2,

                           half2 const scale_pr_slow_h2,
                           half2 const scale_pr_fast_h2,
                           half2 const inv_scale_pr_slow_h2,
                           half2 const inv_scale_pr_fast_h2,

                           half2 const scale_no_delay_h2,
                           half2 const scale_fast_delay_h2,
                           half2 const scale_slow_delay_h2,
                           half2 const inv_scale_no_delay_h2,
                           half2 const inv_scale_fast_delay_h2,
                           half2 const inv_scale_slow_delay_h2)
    // For LIN maps, blockIdx.y gives the map ID.
    int mapid = blockIdx.y;

    // i is an iterator into the 4xLINlayer memory
    // regions. mapid*gridDim.x*blockDim.x is the number of threads in
    // one of the four maps.
    int iin = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
    int imapid = mapid*gridDim.x*blockDim.x;
    int i = imapid + iin;

    // Input is from pr.a for most of the layers and from separate
    // memory for the pr layer.  Input needs an individual pointer index,
    // which is iin.
    half2* inp = &a_h2[0];

    if (mapid == 0) {
        // if mapid is 0, then we're computing the PR; use separate input.
        inp = in_sep_h2;

        // If necessary, convert from float to half2 for PR layer's input:
        if (in_sep_fl != (float*)0) {
            int in_fl_i = iin*2; // or << 1
            half in_high = __float2half (in_sep_fl[in_fl_i]);
            half in_low = __float2half (in_sep_fl[in_fl_i]);

            inp[iin] = __halves2half2 (in_low, in_high);

        // And do all the PR specific stuff.

        // For use later. Can potentially put zeroh, oneh into arg list to
        // avoid these operations.
        const half zeroh = __low2half (zeroh2);
        const half zeroh_alt = __high2half (zeroh2); // Used in CUDA-8.0 __hgt() workaround, later.
        const half oneh = __low2half (oneh2);

        const half dbthresh = __low2half (dbthreshh2);
        const half dbthresh_alt = __high2half (dbthreshh2); // CUDA-8.0 __hgt() workaround

        // 1. Do a threshold binary operation. I'm expecting oneh in thrshhi and in thrshlo.
#if 1
        const half thrshhi = __hgt (__high2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh) ? oneh : zeroh;
        const half thrshlo = __hgt (__low2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh_alt) ? oneh : zeroh;
        // 2. What if I made a mistake and the content of a_h2[i] and dbthresh/dbthresh_alt and 
        // thrshlo and thrshhi actually legitimately get passed zeroh?
        // To see if this is the case, I can swap oneh and zeroh around. This should produce
        // the exact opposite behaviour to the previous two lines. However, the behaviour
        // of the program does not change. The fact
        // that neither these two swapped lines, nor the original two lines above cause oneh to be
        // written into thrshhi and thrshlo suggests that __hgt() is not behaving deterministically.
#if 0
        const half thrshhi = __hgt (__high2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh) ? zeroh : oneh;
        const half thrshlo = __hgt (__low2half (a_h2[i]), dbthresh_alt) ? zeroh : oneh;
        // 3. To prove the rest of the code is ok, force thrshhi and
        // thrshlo to oneh. With these two lines uncommented, all is
        // ok (but of course, the threshold binary operation that I
        // need is not actually applied).
#if 0
        const half thrshhi = oneh;
        const half thrshlo = oneh;
        const half maskhi = __hlt(__high2half (prevthresh_h2[i]), thrshhi) ? oneh : zeroh;
        const half masklo = __hlt(__low2half (prevthresh_h2[i]), thrshlo) ? oneh : zeroh;

        // Add weighted (__hfma2 is arg1*arg2 + arg3, so this is inp*inv_slow + b*slow
        b_h2[i] = __hfma2 (b_h2[i], scale_pr_slow_h2, __hmul2 (inp[iin], inv_scale_pr_slow_h2));

        half b_h2hi = __high2half (b_h2[i]);
        half b_h2lo = __low2half (b_h2[i]);
        const half inputhi = __high2half (inp[iin]);
        const half inputlo = __low2half (inp[iin]);
        b_h2hi = __hgt (maskhi, zeroh) ? inputhi : b_h2hi;
        b_h2lo = __hgt (masklo, zeroh_alt) ? inputlo : b_h2lo;
        b_h2[i] = __halves2half2 (b_h2lo, b_h2hi);

        // now combine inp with b. Result of (inp - b_h2) written into
        // in_scaled2:
        in_scaled2[i] = __hsub2 (inp[iin], b_h2[i]);

        // Another add weighted
        a_real_h2[i] = __hfma2 (a_real_h2[i], scale_pr_fast_h2, __hmul2 (in_scaled2[i], inv_scale_pr_fast_h2));

        // L0 Place two halves into a temporary variable
        const half2 th = __halves2half2 (thrshlo, thrshhi); // Ok

        // L1 wipe out black regions
        a_real_h2[i] = __hmul2 (a_real_h2[i], th); // Bad: a_real_h2 is set to 0; th should contain 1.0 and 1.0

        // L2 store old threshold values to detect transitions
        prevthresh_h2[i] = th;


        // compensate for up / down - negate
        a_h2[i] = __hneg2 (a_real_h2[i]);

        // src, dst, threshold, value. If > 0.0 then a_h2 unchanged, else, set a_h2 to value.
        half a_h2hi = __high2half (a_h2[i]);
        half a_h2lo = __low2half (a_h2[i]);
        // Note that we have to do a separate comparison of the high part
        // and the low part of the half2; I don't think there's any
        // getting around this.
        a_h2hi = (__hgt (a_h2hi, zeroh) == true) ? a_h2hi : zeroh;
        // NB: Here I use a DIFFERENT variable containing 0 for the
        // comparison (zeroh_alt). This is a workaround for a bug which
        // manifests with CUDA-8.0. The bug does not show when I run this
        // code on CUDA-9.0 on a Desktop GPU (sm_61; GTX1070)
        a_h2lo = (__hgt (a_h2lo, zeroh_alt) == true) ? a_h2lo : zeroh;

        // a_h2[i] is the result of the linlayer process and forms inputs
        // for the shift multiply process.
        // The CUDA-8 bug *shows* here; the correct value appears in
        // a_h2[i] for a_h2lo, but 0 always appeared for a_h2hi.
        a_h2[i] = __halves2half2 (a_h2lo, a_h2hi);

    } else if (mapid == 1) {
        // No Delay
        a_h2[i] = __hfma2(inp[iin], inv_scale_no_delay_h2, __hmul2(a_h2[i], scale_no_delay_h2));

    } else if (mapid == 2) {
        // Fast Delay
        a_h2[i] = __hfma2(inp[iin], inv_scale_fast_delay_h2, __hmul2(a_h2[i], scale_fast_delay_h2));

    } else if (mapid == 3) {
        // Slow Delay
        a_h2[i] = __hfma2(inp[iin], inv_scale_slow_delay_h2, __hmul2(a_h2[i], scale_slow_delay_h2));
} // avdu_monolith_fp16_update()

Ok, problem solved. It was my error in the algorithm. Apologies for the bother.