I’m using the compiler-bindir in the nvcc.profile file in order to simplify our custom build process.
My problem is, that I also want to use the compiler-options in the nvcc.profile, but this doesn’t work (at least as far I found out). So when I use the /Xcompiler switch to set the options for the compiler this doesn’t work, I also have to specifiy the -ccbin.
When using the command line below I get followingt message:
Command line error D2021 : invalid numeric argument ‘/Wp64’
My custom build command looks as following:
[font=“Courier”]nvcc.exe -c -Xcompiler /EHsc,/W3,/nologo,/Wp64,/Od,/Zi,/RTC1,/MTd -D_DEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -D_MBCS “myfile.cu”
the nvcc.profile looks as following
[font=“Courier”]TOP = $(HERE)/…
PATH += $(TOP)/extools/bin;$(TOP)/open64/bin;$(TOP)/bin;$(TOP)/lib;$(TOP)/common/lib
INCLUDES += “-I$(TOP)/include” “-I$(TOP)/include/cudart” “-I$(TOP)/common/inc” “-I$(TOP)/…/CPP/include” -
LIBRARIES =+ $(SPACE) “/LIBPATH:$(TOP)/lib” “/LIBPATH:$(TOP)/common/lib” cudart.lib cuda.lib cutil32.lib
compiler-bindir = Z:\IPIPE\tools.p\CPP\bin\
PTXAS_FLAGS +=[/font]
Do you have a solution how I can specify the compiler-options also in the nvcc profile?
Thanks in advance
I would expect some more presence of the nvidia team here to answer the questions. External Image