Hi everyone, I already posted in another forum but the support suggested that I post here.
I’m on a Lenovo Y50-70, GeForce GTX 860M, Driver Version 384.94. I’m having the following problems:
-I installed CUDA 8.0 on Windows, tried building on Visual Studio 2015 but everything that I do gives me
error msb3721 exited with code 1/2
(no luck setting verbose mode, no additional info)
-Tried with CLion, including everything in CMakeLists, but
find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
fails with
Could NOT find CUDA (missing: CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY) (found version "8.0")
(I checked in the directory, the PATH is correctly set and the cudart library is there in the lib folder.
-I tried installing CUDA on ubuntu, but the Graphic driver installation fails with this log https://pastebin.com/b6FLYvLB.
I sincerely don’t know what else to try. Any ideas? Thanks, and sorry if it’s posted wrong or in the wrong forum