Question about Example-Tuning a MC Algorithm on GPU

Hi Mat,
I have tried your example with MTGP32 RNG in CURAND Library, and I used most of your codes (include two seeds:777, 123), except the following

In mcCUF_5.cuf:

! initalize and then call the RNG for dX
    call curandCreateGenerator (gen , CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32)
    call curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed ( gen , seed_1 )
    call curandGenerateUniform<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(gen , dX, N_PER_THD)
    ! Re-seed and call the RNG for dY
    call curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed ( gen , seed_2 )
    call curandGenerateUniform<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(gen , dY, N_PER_THD)

and I also include a module for calling CURAND RNG,

module curand_m_init
  integer , public :: CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT = 100
  integer , public :: CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_MTGP32 = 101

  interface curandCreateGenerator
     subroutine curandCreateGenerator ( generator , rng_type ) &
          bind (C, name =' curandCreateGenerator ')
       use iso_c_binding
       integer ( c_size_t ):: generator
       integer ( c_int ), value :: rng_type
     end subroutine curandCreateGenerator
  end interface

  interface curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed
     subroutine curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed ( generator , seed ) &
          bind (C, name =' curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed ')
       use iso_c_binding
       integer ( c_size_t ), value :: generator
       integer ( c_long_long ), value :: seed
     end subroutine curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed
  end interface

  interface curandGenerateUniform
     subroutine curandGenerateUniform ( generator , odata , numele ) &
          bind (C, name =' curandGenerateUniform ')
       use iso_c_binding
       integer ( c_size_t ), value :: generator
       ! pgi$ ignore_tkr (tr) odata
       real ( c_float ), dimension(:), device :: odata
       integer ( c_int ), value :: numele
     end subroutine curandGenerateUniform

  end interface

  interface curandDestroyGenerator
     subroutine curandDestroyGenerator ( generator ) &
          bind (C, name =' curandDestroyGenerator ')
       use iso_c_binding
       integer ( c_size_t ), value :: generator
     end subroutine curandDestroyGenerator
  end interface

end module curand_m_init

finally I run the test for N=40000000, but I always failed the test,
would you please give me some ideas about my problem?

PS. In debugging mode, I can not observe the array dX, dY get any values for the RNG.

Thanks a lot!!!

Hi Lui,

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been on vacation for the last few days.

Looks to me that the problem is that curandGenerateUniform third argument is expecting the total number of random numbers to generate, not the number per thread. So change:

call curandGenerateUniform<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(gen , dX, N_PER_THD)
call curandGenerateUniform<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(gen , dY, N_PER_THD)


call curandGenerateUniform<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(gen , dX, Ns)
call curandGenerateUniform<<<dimGrid,dimBlock>>>(gen , dY, Ns)

PS. In debugging mode, I can not observe the array dX, dY get any values for the RNG.

Debugging only works in emmulation mode for which ther isn’t CURAND version.

Hope this helps,

Hi Mat,
It is totally fine. Thanks a lot for replying!
Actually I also tried the modification you suggested, well, the results were good enough to pass the test,
But in that case, it seems we just used one thread for calculation, not 4096 threads as we expect.
Do you agree? And if so, how can we use many threads?
Thx : )

No, it looks to me that it’s using the expected number of threads. Only the final sum reduction uses a single thread, but this is by design.

Setting the environment variable “COMPUTE_PROFILE=1” and “COMPUTE_PROFILE_CONFIG=prof.txt” where prof.txt is a text file with:


I get the following profile:

% cat cuda_profile_0.log
# CUDA_DEVICE 0 GeForce GTX 690
# TIMESTAMPFACTOR 130cc16f22d6a307
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14680.096 ] cputime=[ 15.109 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1904.640 ] cputime=[ 5.631 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 27527.520 ] cputime=[ 5.463 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1903.648 ] cputime=[ 5.144 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6461.824 ] cputime=[ 3.418 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1848.736 ] cputime=[ 3.240 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1834.912 ] cputime=[ 2.829 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.400 ] cputime=[ 14.075 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.208 ] cputime=[ 12.673 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14728.480 ] cputime=[ 15.014 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1686.240 ] cputime=[ 5.516 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 27531.584 ] cputime=[ 5.150 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1685.888 ] cputime=[ 4.679 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6467.680 ] cputime=[ 3.823 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1846.848 ] cputime=[ 3.427 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1831.648 ] cputime=[ 3.358 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.656 ] cputime=[ 16.057 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.240 ] cputime=[ 12.602 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14752.320 ] cputime=[ 15.474 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1904.768 ] cputime=[ 5.054 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 27504.129 ] cputime=[ 5.050 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1903.872 ] cputime=[ 4.612 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6421.024 ] cputime=[ 3.741 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1846.688 ] cputime=[ 3.793 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1832.864 ] cputime=[ 3.081 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.656 ] cputime=[ 16.274 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.240 ] cputime=[ 12.589 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14717.024 ] cputime=[ 15.317 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1686.656 ] cputime=[ 5.547 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 27548.928 ] cputime=[ 5.010 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1685.888 ] cputime=[ 4.801 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6424.512 ] cputime=[ 3.439 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1853.152 ] cputime=[ 3.514 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1831.808 ] cputime=[ 3.148 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.624 ] cputime=[ 16.451 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.240 ] cputime=[ 12.563 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14720.064 ] cputime=[ 15.670 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1904.224 ] cputime=[ 5.102 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 27664.352 ] cputime=[ 5.280 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1903.520 ] cputime=[ 4.848 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6451.392 ] cputime=[ 3.670 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1846.560 ] cputime=[ 3.821 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1830.304 ] cputime=[ 3.027 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.656 ] cputime=[ 16.227 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.208 ] cputime=[ 12.685 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14846.336 ] cputime=[ 15.388 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1686.368 ] cputime=[ 5.425 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 28299.232 ] cputime=[ 5.678 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1685.664 ] cputime=[ 5.306 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6453.056 ] cputime=[ 3.542 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1852.864 ] cputime=[ 3.468 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1824.928 ] cputime=[ 2.984 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.688 ] cputime=[ 16.396 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.240 ] cputime=[ 12.472 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14804.864 ] cputime=[ 16.177 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1904.416 ] cputime=[ 5.234 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 28253.217 ] cputime=[ 5.290 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1903.584 ] cputime=[ 4.783 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6478.880 ] cputime=[ 3.631 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1848.736 ] cputime=[ 4.638 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1832.928 ] cputime=[ 3.051 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.656 ] cputime=[ 16.245 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.208 ] cputime=[ 12.449 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14793.216 ] cputime=[ 15.610 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1686.144 ] cputime=[ 5.442 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 28278.016 ] cputime=[ 5.161 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1685.856 ] cputime=[ 5.207 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6454.080 ] cputime=[ 3.523 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1843.136 ] cputime=[ 3.704 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1833.632 ] cputime=[ 3.028 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.624 ] cputime=[ 16.240 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.208 ] cputime=[ 12.442 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14823.872 ] cputime=[ 16.002 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1904.256 ] cputime=[ 5.463 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 28342.527 ] cputime=[ 5.398 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1903.520 ] cputime=[ 4.832 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6420.416 ] cputime=[ 3.468 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1854.208 ] cputime=[ 4.085 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1831.744 ] cputime=[ 3.325 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.656 ] cputime=[ 16.082 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.240 ] cputime=[ 12.627 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 14828.704 ] cputime=[ 15.520 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1686.944 ] cputime=[ 5.813 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z20generate_seed_pseudoyyy14curandOrderingP17curandStateXORWOWPj ] gputime=[ 28175.520 ] cputime=[ 5.102 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ _Z13gen_sequencedI17curandStateXORWOWfiXadL_Z21curand_uniform_noargsIS0_EfPT_iEEEvS3_PT0_mmT1_ ] gputime=[ 1685.568 ] cputime=[ 5.098 ] gridsize=[ 64, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 64, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.500 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_kernel_ ] gputime=[ 6440.544 ] cputime=[ 3.426 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum0_ ] gputime=[ 1846.432 ] cputime=[ 3.888 ] gridsize=[ 128, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 32, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.250 ] 
method=[ mccuf_5_montecarlo_cuf5_sum_ ] gputime=[ 1826.560 ] cputime=[ 2.944 ] gridsize=[ 1, 1 ] threadblocksize=[ 1, 1, 1 ] occupancy=[ 0.016 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.688 ] cputime=[ 16.256 ] 
method=[ memcpyDtoH ] gputime=[ 2.240 ] cputime=[ 12.637 ]
  • Mat

Thanks, Mat!
I’ll have a try in your way.
By the way, do you mean this application of CURAND library within your example is more or less correct?

By the way, do you mean this application of CURAND library within your example is more or less correct?

I believe so.

  • Mat