I have some questions about step of burning fuses.
Q1: According to the documentation I used the following command line: “sudo ./odmfuse.sh -j -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k rsa_pri.pem --KEK2 KEK2.txt -S SBK.txt jetson-xavier-nx-devkit”. You can see I used “-p” parameter which means set product mode and result in I can’t reflash, must use RSA key or SBK key(“Either RSA key file is not proviced or SBK key file is provided for PKC protected target board”). I hava RSA key and SBK key, but I want not use it, How can I reset to factory setting to carrier board without PKC.
Q2: if I just want to enable trusty with KEK2 key. What are the correct steps?
I want to enable secureboot and trusty, program all fuses in single step really with:
“sudo ./odmfuse.sh -j -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k rsa_pri.pem --KEK2 KEK2.txt -S SBK.txt jetson-xavier-nx-devkit” accroding to the reference: “Welcome — Jetson Linux<br/>Developer Guide 34.1 documentation”,
but I failed.
so I changed command line parameter, may be “sudo ./odmfuse.sh -j -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k rsa_pri.pem --KEK2 KEK2.txt -S SBK.txt jetson-xavier-nx-devkit”, may be “sudo ./odmfuse.sh -j -i 0x19 -c PKC -p -k rsa_pri.pem --KEK2 KEK2.txt jetson-xavier-nx-devkit”, and one of them worked.
This causes odm_production_mode to be set to 1, so I can’t burn fuses others now. Is there any way to set odm_product_mode to zero.
I’m a beginner. I don’t understand a lot of it. Can you read it?
fuse programming is irreversible. Once odm production bit is set to 1, it cannot be set back to 0, and most fuses are locked except odm reserved bits.
sudo ./flash -s rsa_pri.pem -k secure-os jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1
(I used -s paramter, if I not use, will get an error of “Either RSA key file is not proviced or SBK key file is provided for PKC protected target board”)
sorry, I need to revise my previous comments.
due to security process and factory flow, we don’t support partial updates once your device has fused.
please perform flash script to assign keys and flash your board completely.
Carrier board model is Jetson Xavier NX Develop Kit.
I used “sudo ./flash -s rsa_pri.pem -k secure-os jetson-xavier-nx-devkit mmcblk0p1" to udpate trusty, it successed. Does that fit with what you’re saying above?
Also I was wondering if the KEK2 and SBK key have been burned to the board. What tools can I use to check?
we don’t recommend to have partial updates (i.e. -k options ) once your device has fused due to security process.
you may access the latest Secure Boot packages, i.e. l4t-r32.4.3.
there’s script file, odmfuseread.sh, you may enable to read the fuse information for checking.