Re: Cooperative groups are much slower than CUB

@Yuki_Ni So it would not just use a numbered cta barrier? But would need additional software overhead?

The cooperative groups api is open source. Syncs are in include/cooperative_groups/details/sync.h
multi-warp groups do not seem to use the barrier ptx, but busy waiting on a memory location.

/* - Multi warp groups synchronization routines - */

// Need both acquire and release for the last warp, since it won't be able to acquire with red.and
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER unsigned int atom_or_acq_rel_cta(unsigned int *addr, unsigned int val) {
    unsigned int old;
    (asm volatile("atom.or.acq_rel.cta.b32 %0,[%1],%2;" : "=r"(old) : _CG_ASM_PTR_CONSTRAINT(addr), "r"(val) : "memory");)
    old = atomicOr(addr, val);)
    return old;

// Special case where barrier is arrived, but not waited on
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void red_or_release_cta(unsigned int *addr, unsigned int val) {
    (asm volatile("red.or.release.cta.b32 [%0],%1;" :: _CG_ASM_PTR_CONSTRAINT(addr), "r"(val) : "memory");)
    atomicOr(addr, val);)

// Usually called by last arriving warp to released other warps, can be relaxed, since or was already acq_rel
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void red_and_relaxed_cta(unsigned int *addr, unsigned int val) {
    (asm volatile("red.and.relaxed.cta.b32 [%0],%1;" :: _CG_ASM_PTR_CONSTRAINT(addr), "r"(val) : "memory");)
    (atomicAnd(addr, val);)

// Special case of release, where last warp was doing extra work before releasing others, need to be release
//  to ensure that extra work is visible
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void red_and_release_cta(unsigned int *addr, unsigned int val) {
    (asm volatile("red.and.release.cta.b32 [%0],%1;" :: _CG_ASM_PTR_CONSTRAINT(addr), "r"(val) : "memory");)
    atomicAnd(addr, val);)

// Read the barrier, acquire to ensure all memory operations following the sync are correctly performed after it is released
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER unsigned int ld_acquire_cta(unsigned int *addr) {
    unsigned int val;
    (asm volatile("ld.acquire.cta.u32 %0,[%1];" : "=r"(val) : _CG_ASM_PTR_CONSTRAINT(addr) : "memory");)
    (val = *((volatile unsigned int*) addr);
    return val;

// Get synchronization bit mask of my thread_block_tile of size num_warps. Thread ranks 0..31 have the first bit assigned to them,
// thread ranks 32..63 second etc 
// Bit masks are unique for each group, groups of the same size will have the same number of bits set, but on different positions 
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER unsigned int get_group_mask(unsigned int thread_rank, unsigned int num_warps) {
    return num_warps == 32 ? ~0 : ((1 << num_warps) - 1) << (num_warps * (thread_rank / (num_warps * 32)));

_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void barrier_wait(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int warp_bit) {
    while(ld_acquire_cta(arrived) & warp_bit);

// Default blocking sync.
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void sync_warps(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int thread_rank, unsigned int num_warps) {
    unsigned int warp_id = thread_rank / 32;
    bool warp_master = (thread_rank % 32 == 0);
    unsigned int warp_bit = 1 << warp_id;
    unsigned int group_mask = get_group_mask(thread_rank, num_warps);


    if (warp_master) {
        unsigned int old = atom_or_acq_rel_cta(arrived, warp_bit);
        if (((old | warp_bit) & group_mask) == group_mask) {
            red_and_relaxed_cta(arrived, ~group_mask);
        else {
            barrier_wait(arrived, warp_bit);


// Blocking sync, except the last arriving warp, that releases other warps, returns to do other stuff first.
// Warp returning true from this function needs to call sync_warps_release.
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER bool sync_warps_last_releases(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int thread_rank, unsigned int num_warps) {
    unsigned int warp_id = thread_rank / 32;
    bool warp_master = (thread_rank % 32 == 0);
    unsigned int warp_bit = 1 << warp_id;
    unsigned int group_mask = get_group_mask(thread_rank, num_warps);


    unsigned int old = 0;
    if (warp_master) {
        old = atom_or_acq_rel_cta(arrived, warp_bit);
    old = __shfl_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, old, 0);
    if (((old | warp_bit) & group_mask) == group_mask) {
        return true;
    barrier_wait(arrived, warp_bit);

    return false;

// Release my group from the barrier.
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void sync_warps_release(barrier_t *arrived, bool is_master, unsigned int thread_rank, unsigned int num_warps) {
    unsigned int group_mask = get_group_mask(thread_rank, num_warps);
    if (is_master) {
        red_and_release_cta(arrived, ~group_mask);

// Arrive at my group barrier, but don't block or release the barrier, even if every one arrives.
// sync_warps_release needs to be called by some warp after this one to reset the barrier.
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void sync_warps_arrive(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int thread_rank, unsigned int num_warps) {
    unsigned int warp_id = thread_rank / 32;
    bool warp_master = (thread_rank % 32 == 0);
    unsigned int warp_bit = 1 << warp_id;
    unsigned int group_mask = get_group_mask(thread_rank, num_warps);


    if (warp_master) {
        red_or_release_cta(arrived, warp_bit);
// Wait for my warp to be released from the barrier. Warp must have arrived first.
_CG_STATIC_QUALIFIER void sync_warps_wait(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int thread_rank) {
    unsigned int warp_id = thread_rank / 32;
    unsigned int warp_bit = 1 << warp_id;

    barrier_wait(arrived, warp_bit);

// Wait for specific warp to arrive at the barrier
_CG_QUALIFIER void sync_warps_wait_for_specific_warp(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int wait_warp_id) {
    unsigned int wait_mask = 1 << wait_warp_id;
    while((ld_acquire_cta(arrived) & wait_mask) != wait_mask);

// Initialize the bit corresponding to my warp in the barrier
_CG_QUALIFIER void sync_warps_reset(barrier_t *arrived, unsigned int thread_rank) {
    unsigned int warp_id = thread_rank / 32;
    unsigned int warp_bit = 1 << warp_id;


    if (thread_rank % 32 == 0) {
        red_and_release_cta(arrived, ~warp_bit);
    // No need to sync after the atomic, there will be a sync of the group that is being partitioned right after this.