I agree with what others have said, but I will add some information for you which might help.
Normally, when multiple systems are connected together through a switch, every device will be able to see and interact directly with every other device on the switch. No IP address is being shared.
When you use a router the LAN part will normally be just like a switch, and all of the devices locally connected will see each other. Each device will be assigned its own address, but this is only true on the private local network part of the router.
Once you have multiple devices sharing an address (which is what happens when the router aggregates all of those LAN devices to share a single address to the ISP), then the router will know which device to forward ports to if and only if the traffic is a reply to something the inside device originated. The router knows when a device requests something from the outside world, but if the traffic originates outside, then the router has no means to know which device the port should be forwarded to.
Routers have different mechanisms for configuration, but basically, if you know all ports involved with your remote desktop, then you should be able to tell the router that any traffic coming to its public interface wants to talk to that port, then to blindly forward it to that internal device. After that it should work, but this is 100% a function of the router, and no device has any control over it.
There are sometimes ways to sort of work around this, for example, if someone is sitting locally at the Jetson, and opens an ssh connection to your PC somewhere else, with the ssh set up as a tunnel, then the connection would have originated at the Jetson, and so the router would not need any special configuration. Ironically, if the PC is behind a router, then the router on the PC will need to be set up to blindly forward to the PC.
A lot of VPN services are based on this: They provide an outside world encrypted server, and each of the devices which are behind a router can talk to that server, and the server links the devices.
I do not know which ports are required, but you would need to forward those ports. You would also need to know what protocol is being used, but likely it is TCP (it could be UDP) since forwarding of a port requires knowing what protocol for most routers.