RTX 2050 vGPU support

Hi community, I am trying to create an Ubuntu22.04 guest on Ubuntu/libvirt/RTX 2050 host with GPU passthrough setting and found vGPU is necessary to have the guest use GPU 3D rendering. Is there a vGPU driver that supports this consumer device or do I need to buy one listed here; NVIDIA® Virtual GPU Software Supported GPUs? This is a test bed before deciding what GPU configuration is required as part of CI. Any insight is appreciated.

vgpu is not required for this, you should be able to just pass it through to the guest and use the usual nvidia driver.

Thank you for your reply. I tried Ubuntu passthrough configuration per the instruction for Ubuntu server that refers to vGPU: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/gpu-virtualization-with-qemu-kvm. It’s great to know that vGPU is not a requirement for my hardware. If I may ask could you give me a pointer for step-by-step GPU pass through that I can refer to? Following video looks promising: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID3dlVHDl0c.

Question is, is this a notebook’s dgpu RTX 2050?