I have been running through different code trying to learn cuda programming. As a side note, im using Visual C++ 2010.
I made a code a while back where I outputted “hi”. I cant remember exactly what code i had written. But then i changed the code to as follows:
using namespace std;
global void kernel( void ){}
int main (void){
printf(“hello, world!/n”);
return 0;
and its still outputting “hi”. I created another .cu file in the project with:
using namespace std;
global void add(int a, int b, int *c ){
int main (void){
int c;
int dev_c;
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void)&dev_c, sizeof(int)));
printf(“2 + 7 = %d/n”,c);
and i still get the prompt “hi”.
I started a new project and created a new .cu file and redid the header files and used the same code as the second block of code above.and now i get an error window pop up which reads, “Unable to start program ‘c:\users\terry\destktop\cudaAttempt2\debug\cudaAttempt2.exe’ The system cannot find the file specified.”
I believe the first part is caused by something being stored in memory and is just being recalled instead of running the new code. If so, how do i fix this. As for the second part, im at a loss.
Any help would be appreciated.