SD card is not detected with customized carrier board


We designed a jetson nano carrier board with an SD card slot.

After inserting the SD card, we get logs as follows and SD card is not detected.

mmc1: CMD CRC or end bit error, int mask 0xc0001
mmc1: card nerver left busy state
mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card 
mmc1: card nerver left busy state
mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card 

Any advice to identify the cause of the problem?

1.The basic device tree change for enabling sdmmc3
2. If your sdmmc speed is slow. Please check the max clk limit here
3. After warm boot, the speed becomes slow again. You need to add this patch in kernel
4. Also, for those who do not have SDMMC_VDD_EN gpio on your carrier board, then need to add “nvidia,vmmc-always-on” under sdhci device tree too.