Sirial Communication ISSUE

I am try to connect JETSONJ3010 and windows PC using RS485 port.
Use following article.

In "RS485 Connection Overview " 010 is used as Step2.

In RS485 Usage :

IStep 4: On the reTerminal Industrial terminal window, type the following to send a signal from the reComputer to the PC is works without any issue.

But Step 5: On the reTerminal Industrial terminal window, type the following to wait for receiving signals from the PC" and Step 6: On Putty, type anything, press ENTER and it will be displayed on the reComputer Industrial terminal window are dose not work.

There are no data came from PC to JETSON.

How should i fix this issue.
Where should I check?

Thanks in Advance.

Hi perera.hasitha,

Are you using the custom carrier board from SeeedStudio for Orin Nano?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?

Have you confirmed you specify the correct COM port in putty on your windows PC?

Could you get a scope to check if there’s any waveform when you send data from windows PC or Jetson device?

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