strange glsl behavior

I am writing a renderer for an old game. Lately I came across some very odd behavior in glsl.

layout(std140) uniform TextureHandles
	sampler2D Textures[NUMTEXTURES];
uniform sampler2D Texture0;	//Base Texture
uniform sampler2D Texture1;	//DetailTexture

layout(std140) uniform DistanceFogParams
	vec4  DistanceFogColor;		// Fog color
	vec4  DistanceFogValues;

uniform float AlphaThreshold;
uniform vec4 DrawColor;
uniform uint PolyFlags;
uniform bool bHitTesting;
uniform float Gamma;

uniform bool DrawGouraudFog;//VertexFog

// Texture UV's
uniform vec2 DrawGouraudTexUV;
uniform vec3 DrawGouraudDetailTexUV;

in vec3 vCoords;
in vec4 vEyeSpacePos;
in vec4 vLightColor;
in vec4 vFogColor; //VertexFog
in vec2 vTexCoords;
flat in uint vTexNum[2];

out vec4 FragColor;

float getFogFactor(vec4 Values, float FogCoord)

	// DistanceFogValues.x = FogStart
	// DistanceFogValues.y = FogEnd
	// DistanceFogValues.z = FogDensity
	// DistanceFogValues.w = FogMode

	float FogResult = 0.0;
	if(Values.w == 0.0 && (Values.y > Values.x) )
		FogResult = (Values.y-FogCoord)/(Values.y-Values.x);
	else if(Values.w == 1.0 &&  (Values.z > 0.0 ))
		FogResult = exp(-Values.z*FogCoord);
	else if(Values.w == 2.0 &&  (Values.z > 0.0 ))
		FogResult = exp(-pow(Values.z*FogCoord, 2.0));
	else FogResult = 1.0;

	FogResult = 1.0-clamp(FogResult, 0.0, 1.0);

	return FogResult;

vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c)
	// some nice stuff from
    vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
	vec4 p = c.g < c.b ? vec4(, K.wz) : vec4(, K.xy);
    vec4 q = c.r < p.x ? vec4(p.xyw, c.r) : vec4(c.r, p.yzx);

    float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
    float e = 1.0e-10;
    return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);

vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c)
    vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
    vec3 p = abs(fract( + * 6.0 - K.www);
    return c.z * mix(, clamp(p -, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);

void main(void)
	vec4 TotalColor;
	vec4 Color;

    if (vTexNum[0] > 0u)
        Color = texture(Textures[vTexNum[0]], (vTexCoords*DrawGouraudTexUV));
    else Color = texture(Texture0, (vTexCoords*DrawGouraudTexUV));
    Color = texture(Texture0, (vTexCoords*DrawGouraudTexUV));

	// Handle PF_Masked.
	if ( (PolyFlags&PF_Masked) == PF_Masked )
		if(Color.a < 0.5)
		else Color.rgb /= Color.a;
	else if ( (PolyFlags&PF_AlphaBlend) == PF_AlphaBlend && Color.a < 0.01 )

	// Handle PF_RenderFog.
	if ((PolyFlags&PF_RenderFog) == PF_RenderFog)
		// Handle PF_RenderFog|PF_Modulated.
		if ( (PolyFlags&PF_Modulated)== PF_Modulated )
			// Compute delta to modulation identity.
			vec3 Delta = vec3(0.5) -;

			// Reduce delta by (squared) fog intensity.
			//Delta *= 1.0 - sqrt(vFogColor.a);
			Delta *= 1.0 - vFogColor.a;
			Delta *= vec3(1.0) - vFogColor.rgb;

			TotalColor = vec4(vec3(0.5)-Delta,Color.a);
		// Normal.
			//TotalColor=mix(Color, vec4(,1.0), vFogColor.w);
			TotalColor.rgb = Color.rgb * (1.0-vFogColor.a) + vFogColor.rgb;
			TotalColor.a   = Color.a;

	// No Fog.
	else if((PolyFlags & PF_Modulated) == PF_Modulated)
		TotalColor = Color;
		TotalColor = Color * vec4(vLightColor.rgb,1.0);
	float bNear = clamp(1.0-(vCoords.z/380.0),0.0,1.0);
	if(DrawGouraudDetailTexUV.z > 0.0 && bNear > 0.0)
	    vec4 DetailTexColor;
	    if (vTexNum[1] > 0u)
            Color = texture(Textures[vTexNum[1]], (vTexCoords*DrawGouraudDetailTexUV.xy));
            Color = texture(Texture1, (vTexCoords*DrawGouraudDetailTexUV.xy)); // DetailTexture
        Color = texture(Texture1, (vTexCoords*DrawGouraudDetailTexUV.xy)); // DetailTexture
		vec3 hsvDetailTex = rgb2hsv(DetailTexColor.rgb);
		hsvDetailTex.b += (DetailTexColor.r - 0.1);
		hsvDetailTex = hsv2rgb(hsvDetailTex);
		DetailTexColor = mix(vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), DetailTexColor, bNear); //fading out.

	// Add DistanceFog
	if ((DistanceFogValues.w == 0.0 && (DistanceFogValues.y > DistanceFogValues.x)) || (DistanceFogValues.w > 0.0 && (DistanceFogValues.z > 0.0 )))
		vec4 FogColor = DistanceFogColor;
		if ( (PolyFlags&PF_Modulated) == PF_Modulated )
			FogColor = vec4(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0);
		else if ( (PolyFlags&PF_Translucent) == PF_Translucent && (PolyFlags&PF_Environment) != PF_Environment)
			FogColor = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

		float FogCoord = abs(vEyeSpacePos.z/vEyeSpacePos.w);
		TotalColor = mix(TotalColor, FogColor, getFogFactor(DistanceFogValues, FogCoord));
	if((PolyFlags & PF_Modulated)!=PF_Modulated)
		// Gamma
#ifdef GL_ES
		// 1.055*pow(x,(1.0 / 2.4) ) - 0.055
		// FixMe: ugly rough srgb to linear conversion.
		TotalColor.r=(1.055*pow(TotalColor.r,(1.0-Gamma / 2.4))-0.055);
		TotalColor.g=(1.055*pow(TotalColor.g,(1.0-Gamma / 2.4))-0.055);
		TotalColor.b=(1.055*pow(TotalColor.b,(1.0-Gamma / 2.4))-0.055);

#ifdef EDITOR
	// Editor support.
	if ( (PolyFlags&PF_Selected) == PF_Selected )
		TotalColor.r = (TotalColor.r*0.125);
		TotalColor.g = (TotalColor.g*0.125);
		TotalColor.b = (TotalColor.b*0.125);
		TotalColor = clamp(TotalColor,0.0,1.0);
		if(TotalColor.a < 0.5)
			TotalColor.a = 0.51;
	// HitSelection, Zoneview etc.
	if (bHitTesting)
		TotalColor = DrawColor; // Use DrawColor.

	// Texture.Alpha support.
	if ( (PolyFlags&PF_AlphaBlend) == PF_AlphaBlend && DrawColor.a > 0.0 )
		TotalColor.a *= DrawColor.a;

	FragColor = TotalColor;

In the section “// Add DistanceFog” there is a line being executed although it never should be called:

TotalColor = mix(TotalColor, FogColor, getFogFactor(DistanceFogValues, FogCoord));

It doesn’t matter what I do, it causes weird visual distortions. I tried many different variants, even arbitrary values for the check like

if (DistanceFogValues.w == 13248.9876)

are not changing this behavior.
It only stops if I make something like

if (0>0)

or if I am commenting this line, so I am absolutely certain it is the cause.

However, the function itself IS working perfectly fine if being really in some fog zone and other values than 0 are passed. Currently I am updating via UBO, before I used glUniforms for that.
The problem occurs only in Windows, not on the same machine in Linux and not on an AMD based graphics card.
It’s a GTX960 card, but also happens on another machine with a GTX970. Driver in Windows is currently 382.33, in Linux it’s currently 375.66. No idea if it matters, it’s Windows 10Pro, 64bit.
Seems to happen with both > 3.3 Core profile or 3.0 ES profile.

If you require more information, please let me know.