Support for camera lens undistortion for wide angle cameras

Hi Omniverse Team,

Is there any consideration to add lens undistortion correction for wide-angle camera probably under post production effects as it is very useful for getting the FOV wide but without the distortion that will need to be corrected. Thank you!

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will be nice to see how omniverse integrates opencv in the pipeline

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Hello @DavidDPD! Have you looked at the latest version of Create 2022.2.0? The team added several camera lens features that should interest you!

Improved Camera Visor

The new Camera Visor puts the most important camera tools directly in your viewport. Adjust exposure, lens length, iso, focal properties and more without the need to go searching for cameras and setting properties in an extensive list. Instead the visor is always active, visible and applying itself to your current camera or view. Like your favorite camera, all your controls are right where you want ‘em. And with its customizable interface, if they aren’t just right by default, they can be custom tailored in just a few clicks. Ergonomic control over the world class Omniverse Viewport. What’s not to love?