A 401 error typically means a incorrect, expired, malformed or missing API Key (as opposed to a 403 error, which indicates a correct API key but with improper permissions).
Do you know if your keys have recently expired, or if you rotated them recently? You may need to regenerate your API key and try again. If you had regenerated your key for something else, all previous keys typically become invalidated.
Thanks for the follow up I can check that out. Does each model require a separate key? I tried using a key I had generated the basic Hybrid RAG demo which is working fine.
But googling and seems this might be an NVCF RUN Key when an NGC API Key is needed?
The personal keys I am generating start with __autogenerated_playgrounds with a set of numbers added. I can only save the secret in AI workbench if I enter it that way
The log file from when I start the ChatUI app is lengthy but ends with the 403 error below
File “/usr/lib/python3.10/urllib/request.py”, line 643, in http_error_default
raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
I have Secrets Manager and NGC enabled as services. I am not able to add Public API Endpoints as a service
I have continued to work on resolving this without much luck.
It seems like there is something missing in the requests.py file that prevents the successful retrieval of the URLs.
Researching the 403 errors this seems to be the case that many sites reject requests from api based applications and the solution is to add headers to make the web site believe it is just a browser based request.
I can get two different errors from the UI
if I request an http:// site I get a 401 error
if I request an https://site I get a 403 error
I wanted to try and edit that requests.py file but the demo seems to have file permissions locked down.
Any suggestions appreciated and if this is beyond the scope of this support thread please just let me know and I will only reply if I am able to resolve.