Model: Jetson AGX Orin
Jetpack: 6.1
CUDA: 12.6.68
Deepstream version: 7.1
container: deepstream:7.1-triton-multiarch
docker run command: docker run -it --rm --runtime=nvidia --network=host --gpus all --privileged -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /etc/X11:/etc/X11 <container image name>
I am trying to containerize the deepstream-test3 sample pipeline modified to use multiple RTSP streams. The modified pipeline works on the host with 30+ RTSP inputs, but when running in container, tensorrt fails to build the engine file with 10 RTSP streams.
WARNING: [TRT]: Tactic Device request: 79MB Available: 38MB. Device memory is insufficient to use tactic
WARNING: [TRT]: UNSUPPORTED_STATE: Skipping tactic 66 due to insufficient memory on requested size of 83558400 detected for tactic 0x79a4e52543793dbe.
ERROR: [TRT]: IBuilder::buildSerializedNetwork: Error Code 10: Internal Error (Could not find any implementation for node block_1a_conv_shortcut/BiasAdd + block_1a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/mul__22 + block_1a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/mul_1 + block_1a_bn_shortcut /batchnorm/sub__23 + block_1a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add_1 + add_1/add + block_1a_relu/Relu.)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Looking at the host’s jtop output, the container gets towards 430MB of shared GPU RAM which is close to tensorrt’s default 450MB workspace size. I have explored increasing the workspace size as described in this post and others. I did notice that running the codecs script described in the container info pushes the container’s shared GPU mem towards 490MB, but when running the same pipeline directly on device the same process gets up to 750MB. I have attempted increasing the tensorrt workspace size, but nothing changes. Even so, the pipeline builds the .engine file without increasing the workspace size when run on device. Lastly, I have successfully created the .engine file when directly calling trtexec for the model onyx file, so I speculate that this is not an issue with shared memory capacity but something internal to the deepstream container.