I have explored TRT Inference Server container, but it doesn’t show the code where the Inference Server distributes the inferencing across all system GPUs.
TRTIS (TensorRT Inference Server) supports multiple GPUs but it does not support running a single inference distributed across multiple GPUs. TRTIS can run multiple models (and/or multiple instances of the same model) on multiple GPUs to increase throughput.
I am using integration TF-TRT5 via container image nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:18.09-py3 to run the sample inference.py which shows the inference performance using tf-trt (throughput and latency). I realized the script only uses 1 GPUs to do the calculation. I need some example of running a single inference distributed across multiple GPUs to maximize the performance and system capabilities (with 3 GPUs)
Here is the environment I am using:
container image: nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:18.09-py3
top-level directory: /workspace/nvidia-examples/tftrt/scripts
GPU model and memory: 3x Tesla P4 - 7GB
Command to reproduce: python3 inference.py --model resnet_v1_50 --batch_size 1 --use_trt --precision fp32
can you elaborate on “to maximize the performance and system capabilities”? Is it because your model takes more than 7GB that they can’t fit it in one P4?
Right, I want to test the server showing its max capability in terms of GPU utilization. For instance, when I ran the test with 128 batch size, it hit 100% of GPU utilization, so with batch sizes over 128 the script should use the rest of the GPUs available in the system and increases throughput
I got it. Is there a sample code that shows how TRTIS runs multiple models (and/or multiple instances of the same model) on multiple GPUs to increase throughput?. I would like to add this functionality to my code. Thanks
The current user guide doesn’t have the section they would be interested in, but the 18.10 user guide will. You could instead look at this blog: https://devblogs.nvidia.com/nvidia-serves-deep-learning-inference/ in the Performance section is discussion about model instances.
Currently I am using TensorRT for model inference on one GPU and would like to have multi-gpu utilization. Is it not possible to run one model instance on multi-gpus? For example, instead of consuming 15 ms for one frame using one GPU, is it possible to use two GPUs to get less than 15 ms time consumption?
In my case, the batch_size here is 1. If not, what is the best way of utilizing multi-gpu for one real-time video stream to get less inference time per frame?