The initialization of cufft ?

I have one question about Nsight profile of cufft code.

I made very simple sample code for 1D-cuFFT and I checked the profile of my code by Nsight.

My 1D-cufft code is as below.

It is very simple 1D-cufft code by using Pageable memory and Unified Memory.

My code was operated with no problem.

But I have one question about Nsight profile.

We ca see “Cuda Event Create” and “Cuda Free” at the begging of the Nsight profile.
They needed very long time ,they needed more than 500msec .
Why did the need a long time?

I guess that Cuda API and Run time do various seeting og GPU at the first operation of cuFFT,
hence they need a long time ( more than 500msec ).

Is it right?

I’d really appreciated it if anyone will reply soon.


// includes, system
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

// includes, project
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cufft.h>
#include <helper_functions.h>
#include <helper_cuda.h>

#define NX 2048
#define BATCH 1

float elapsed_time0_ms=0.0f;
float elapsed_time1_ms=0.0f;
float elapsed_time2_ms=0.0f;
float elapsed_time3_ms=0.0f;
float elapsed_time4_ms=0.0f;
float elapsed_time5_ms=0.0f;

int i;

cudaEvent_t start0, stop0;
cudaEvent_t start1, stop1;
cudaEvent_t start2, stop2;
cudaEvent_t start3, stop3;
cudaEvent_t start4, stop4;
cudaEvent_t start5, stop5;

cudaEvent_t ustart0, ustop0;
cudaEvent_t ustart1, ustop1;
cudaEvent_t ustart2, ustop2;
cudaEvent_t ustart3, ustop3;

int main(int argc, char *argv)

//CUDA Time Measure Event Make

cudaEventCreate( &start0 );
cudaEventCreate( &stop0  );
cudaEventCreate( &start1 );
cudaEventCreate( &stop1  );
cudaEventCreate( &start2 );
cudaEventCreate( &stop2  );
cudaEventCreate( &start3 );
cudaEventCreate( &stop3  );
cudaEventCreate( &start4 );
cudaEventCreate( &stop4  ); 
cudaEventCreate( &start5 );
cudaEventCreate( &stop5  ); 

cudaEventCreate( &ustart0 );
cudaEventCreate( &ustop0  );
cudaEventCreate( &ustart1 );
cudaEventCreate( &ustop1  );
cudaEventCreate( &ustart2 );
cudaEventCreate( &ustop2  );
cudaEventCreate( &ustart3 );
cudaEventCreate( &ustop3  );

//Pageable Memory cuFFT Memory,Handle
cufftHandle plan;
cufftComplex *devPtr;
cufftComplex *data;

//Unified Memory cuFFT Memory,Handle
cufftHandle uplan;
cufftComplex *udata;

for(int LOOP=0;LOOP<2;++LOOP){


1D FFT Pageable Memory Sample Code //


//CUDA Timer Start0
cudaEventRecord( start0, 0 );

//CPU Memory Allocate
data = (cufftComplex *)malloc(sizeof(cufftComplex)NXBATCH);

// GPU Memory allocte //
cudaMalloc((void**)&devPtr, sizeof(cufftComplex)NXBATCH);

//CUDA Timer End0
cudaEventRecord( stop0, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( stop0 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time0_ms, start0, stop0 );

//Display time
printf(“Pageable Memory cuFFT Time\n\n”);
printf( “cudaMallloc Time: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time0_ms );

/*Input Data */
    for(i=  0 ; i < NX*BATCH ; i++){
            data[i].x = 1000.0f*sin(2.0*M_PI/256.0f*i);
            data[i].y = 0.0f;

//CUDA Timer Start1
 cudaEventRecord( start1, 0 );

// Data HosttoDevice //
 cudaMemcpy(devPtr, data, sizeof(cufftComplex)*NX*BATCH, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

//CUDA Timer End1
cudaEventRecord( stop1, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( stop1 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time1_ms, start1, stop1 );

//Display Time
printf( “cudaMemcpy HostToDevice Time: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time1_ms );

//CUDA Timer Start2

cudaEventRecord( start2, 0 );

  /* 1D FFT plan Make */
 cufftPlan1d(&plan, NX, CUFFT_C2C, BATCH);

//CUDA Timer End2
cudaEventRecord( stop2, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( stop2 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time2_ms, start2, stop2 );

//Display time
 printf( "Pageable FFT Handle Make Time: %8.2f ms\n", elapsed_time2_ms );

//CUDA Timer Start3
 cudaEventRecord( start3, 0 );

    /* FFT Excec */
    cufftExecC2C(plan, devPtr, devPtr, CUFFT_FORWARD);

//CUDA Timer End3
cudaEventRecord( stop3, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( stop3 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time3_ms, start3, stop3 );

//Display time
printf( “Pageable cufftExec Time: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time3_ms );

//CUDA Timer Start4
 cudaEventRecord( start4, 0 );

/* Result Memcpy Device to Host */
    cudaMemcpy(data, devPtr, sizeof(cufftComplex)*NX*BATCH, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

//CUDA Timer End4
cudaEventRecord( stop4, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( stop4 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time4_ms, start4, stop4 );

//Display time
printf( “cudaMemcpy HostToDevice Time: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time4_ms );

//CUDA Timer Start5
 cudaEventRecord( start5, 0 );

 //Pageable cuFFT Handle Destory//

 //CPU Memory Release

  // GPU Memory Release //

//CUDA Timer End5
cudaEventRecord( stop5, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( stop5 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time5_ms, start5, stop5 );

//Display Time
printf( “Pageable Memory FFT End Process: %8.2f ms\n\n”, elapsed_time5_ms );

	//printf("Normal Memory FFT Result\n");
	// for(i = 0 ; i < NX*BATCH ; i++){

// printf(“data[%d] %lf %lf\n”, i, data[i].x, data[i].y);
// }

1D FFT Unifyed Memory Sample Code //

//CUDA Timer Start0
 cudaEventRecord( ustart0, 0 );

 //unifyed Memory Allocete
  cudaMallocManaged(&udata, sizeof(cufftComplex) * NX*BATCH);

//CUDA Timer End0
cudaEventRecord( ustop0, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( ustop0 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time0_ms, ustart0, ustop0 );	

//Display Time
printf(“Unified Memory cuFFT Time\n\n”);
printf( “cudaMalllocManaged Time: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time0_ms );

// Input Data //
    for(i=  0 ; i < NX*BATCH ; i++){
            udata[i].x = 1000.0f*sin(2.0*M_PI/64.0*i);
            udata[i].y = 0.0f;

//CUDA Timer Start1
 cudaEventRecord( ustart1, 0 );
 //Unified Memory用FFT Handle 
  cufftPlan1d(&uplan, NX, CUFFT_C2C, BATCH);

//CUDA Timer End1
cudaEventRecord( ustop1, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize(ustop1 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time1_ms, ustart1, ustop1 );

//Display time
printf( “Unified FFT Handle Make: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time1_ms );

//CUDA Timer Start2
 cudaEventRecord( ustart2, 0 );

  /* FFT excec */
    cufftExecC2C(uplan, udata, udata, CUFFT_FORWARD);

//CUDA Timer End2
cudaEventRecord( ustop2, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( ustop2 );

 cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time2_ms, ustart2, ustop2 );

//display time
printf( “Unified cufft Excecute Time: %8.2f ms\n”, elapsed_time2_ms );

//printf(“Unifyed Memory FFT Result\n”);
// for(i = 0 ; i < NX*BATCH ; i++){
// printf(“udata[%d] %lf %lf\n”, i, data[i].x, data[i].y);
// }

//CUDA Timer Start3
 cudaEventRecord( ustart3, 0 );

 // GPU用Unified Memory Release //
  //unified Memory cufft Handle destory//

//CUDA Timer End3
 cudaEventRecord( ustop3, 0 );
cudaEventSynchronize( ustop3 );

cudaEventElapsedTime( &elapsed_time3_ms, ustart3, ustop3 );

//Display time
printf( “Unified Memory FFT End Process: %8.2f ms\n\n”, elapsed_time3_ms );


//Pgeable Time MeasureEvent Release

 cudaEventDestroy( start0 );
 cudaEventDestroy( stop0 );
 cudaEventDestroy( start1 );
 cudaEventDestroy( stop1 );
 cudaEventDestroy( start2 );
 cudaEventDestroy( stop2 );
 cudaEventDestroy( start3 );
 cudaEventDestroy( stop3 );
 cudaEventDestroy( start4 );
 cudaEventDestroy( stop4 );
 cudaEventDestroy( start5 );
 cudaEventDestroy( stop5 );

//Unified Memory Time MeasureEvent Release
cudaEventDestroy( ustart0 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustop0 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustart1 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustop1 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustart2 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustop2 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustart3 );
cudaEventDestroy( ustop3 );

//GPU Reset

    return 0;


Yes, both the cuda runtime and cufft have initialization overhead/time.

Dear txbox

Thank you for you reply.

I operated my cufft sample code with NX=256 and I got the result as blow.

It needed 227.91msec to make first “pageable FFT Handle” ,but It needed only 0.03msec to make next “unified FFT handle”.

I guess that it included initializtion overhead/time to make first “pageable FFT Handle”.

But at the Nsight profile it semmed that it need more than 500msec time to do initialization.

Hence I have one more question to ask;

★When GPU does start the initialization for the cufft?

(a)At the timing of includuing varisous header files?
Ex. #include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cufft.h>

(b)At the timig of setting variables?

Ex. cufftHandle plan;
cufftComplex *devPtr;
cufftComplex *data;

   cufftHandle uplan;
   cufftComplex *udata;

(c) At the other timing?

I’d really appriciate it if anyone reply it.


CUDA uses lazy initialization. If you want to be sure that all necessary initialization is complete for function xyz, the only way to be sure is to call function xyz. After that, if you call xyz again, there should be no initialization overhead.

For CUDA, a substantial amount of initialization should be complete after the first call to a device memory allocator such as cudaMalloc.

For a library like CUFFT, a substantial amount of the initialization should be complete after calling any library function that invokes a device kernel (such as any cufft exec call).

Dear txbob

Thank you for your advice,


But, What initialization data cufft loads to the device due to it calls cudaFree before any data is read from the user?