- got the onnx model form here cuDLA-samples/data/model/yolov5_trimmed_qat.onnx at main · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/cuDLA-samples · GitHub
- export engine using command, the result is that model ops is deployed in dla not gpu. Throughput: 60.1681 qps
- deploy model in gpu, Throughput: 219.161 qps.
- Is That the engine just run on only one dla core ?
detail log
dla.log (320.5 KB)
gpu.log (3.5 MB)
(base) orin@orin-root:~/workspace/DeepStream-Yolo$ jetson_release
Software part of jetson-stats 4.2.4 - (c) 2024, Raffaello Bonghi
Model: Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit - Jetpack 5.1.2 [L4T 35.4.1]
NV Power Mode[0]: MAXN
Serial Number: [XXX Show with: jetson_release -s XXX]
- P-Number: p3701-0005
- Module: NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin (64GB ram)
- Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 focal
- Release: 5.10.120-tegra
- Version: 4.2.4
- Service: Active
- CUDA: 11.4.315
- cuDNN:
- TensorRT: 5.1.2
- VPI: 2.3.9
- Vulkan: 1.3.204
- OpenCV: 4.6.0 - with CUDA: YES