TLT YOLOv4 (CSPDakrnet53) - TensorRT INT8 model gives wrong predictions (0 mAP)

Hi @Morganh , thanks for getting back to me.

for YOLOv4(CSPDarknet53)

If you trained a model with QAT enabled, the mAP is around 82% .
If you trained a model without QAT enabled, the mAP is 0 ?

Yes, but note that I only have this problem for tensorRT INT8 precision. In FP32/ FP16, both gets around 82%-84% accuracy.

 You get this value while running tlt-evaluate against the trt int8 engine , right?

No. I am using a python script to load and run model, and do pre/post processing. I have verified I get the same results from scripts as tao evaluate with .tlt model, but have not tested with tao evaluate + INT8 .engine file.
Also used the following reference for pre/post processing: