TypeError: Polygon.__init__() got multiple values for argument 'parameterization'


I am using polygon in modulus sym to generate point cload.
my input of polygon is:

x coordinate:

xxx = [0.785833333,

y coordinate:

yyy = [-1.22143036374034e-15*rle**0.5 + 9.77144290992271e-15*t1 + 0.0700329998519546, 
0.000330196665375177*rle**0.5 - 0.000562421482197949*t1 + 0.0722234335380018]

Here rle and t1 are parameters defined with SymPy.
I use Polygon as below:

airfoil_geo = Polygon(
    parameterization = pr,

and it returns an error like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/users/nus/e1192412/modulus/modulus0922/FX63-180_2_element_airfoil_varyAoA2_t2/FX63_geometry_parsec_sympy_fixed_6.py", line 265, in <module>
    airfoil_geo = Polygon(
TypeError: Polygon.__init__() got multiple values for argument 'parameterization'

Looking forward to any relevant comment.