Unable to access Jetson AI Specialist web page

I’m trying to access the page that previously had details on the Jetson AI Specialist cred at: https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/jetson-ai-certification-programs but I’m just redirected to https://learn.nvidia.com

Is this program still active or has the info page been moved? I’m about 90% of the way through a project and was hoping to submit soon.

Me too!! I also submitted a related issue a while ago but still haven’t received the answer I was looking for.

I am also interested in the Jetson AI Specialist programs and can not find the information on the site. Love to learn if the program is still available.

Hey guys, I’m sorry - I asked for the form to be taken down because I was no longer able to keep up with the submissions, and it was not fair to keep people waiting - including yourselves.

The learning material of the program (Nano DLI, Hello AI World, JetBot) is still available of course, as are the videos on youtube, however the software is increasingly difficult to keep running on latest OS/CUDA/JetPack for Orin (but is still compatible JetPack <= 6.0)

I will get everyone their certificates in the interim - sorry again about that - EDU is still top-of-mind, and I have been asking everyone how they would keep up the material for genAI. What I have been doing to future-proof is employ additional automation to have as few layers between the code & docs as possible.

For now I encourage you to join this discord for Jetson AI Lab if you want to get involved in the updates being rolled out: https://discord.gg/da6scbwY

Also, @Daniel_Coppell_DevOps - will honor your certificate of course, along with others who may be partly through. I would have liked to keep this going but feel we will arrive at a more sustainable model going forward.

Hi @dusty_nv,

Thank you for the update. I’d like to ask if it’s still possible to receive certificates for the submissions that were sent before the form was taken down? I’m looking forward to your response.

Thank you!

Sorry about that @nlhtrung120200 , yes you should have received it now.

Thank you for the follow-up! I had also submitted the application late November, but haven’t received anything yet.
Thanks for the updates on new courses.

Thank you. I confirm that I have received the certificate via mail.
I appreciate your support and assistance throughout the process.

Hi Dusty.

Could you help to check on my submission result as well? Or perhaps let us know if there are any forms/link we can poll similiar request for the submission backlog?

Hey guys, apologies - @elizabeth.bellou @mark25z yes, you should have received your certificates now.

Thank you for your response!

@dusty_nv , are there any chances of the site to re-open or restart since there are many people who wants of pass this certification or any alternative of this certification

Hi @dusty_nv ,

Could you please check the status of my submission as well? I’ve already submitted the appliance, but I haven’t received any updates yet. I’m still looking forward to your response.

Thank you.

Hi @dusty_nv ,
I had also submitted the application late December, but haven’t received certificate yet.
Could you help to check on my submission result ?
Thank you.