Undefined symbol: cufftExecC2R after installing cmake python library


I maintain an open-source Python library with some CUDA and cuFFT code compiled during the installation using CMake. During the last few months, I’ve received some issues from people who, after installing the library, get an error about the cuFFT symbols being undefined: error when run example.py · Issue #50 · DavidDiazGuerra/gpuRIR · GitHub

I’m not able to reproduce the problem and I don’t think this is happening to everyone installing the library, but it’s not just a one-person problem either. I have no idea about what the problem can be, anyone has any clues about how to fix this?


Can you provide more information on the SW stack being used?

The C++/CUDA code is called by Python using pybind11. The first person who reported the issue was using conda and, considering the scientific nature of the library, I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone having the issue is using it too. Someone commented that the problem has appeared when updating to Python 3.7, but I’m not sure if that was the same for everyone.

For installing the library I use a CMake script. I don’t know much about CMake so I was basically combining snippets I found online till the installation worked.