Lol the code’s a bit long but if you wanted a complete example (I love posting code 'cause I feel so fancy) I can post it. This is good because I also wanted to see if maybe people could help me optimize my compute_distance kernel. I’m really new to CUDA and I recently got a 750 Ti so I’m not sure how to use it to its full potential yet.
Basically, I’m doing a lot of math and the main function is regulus() down at the bottom. I think you’re right though, bob, in the sense that it’s probably a synchronization error.
#include "structures.h"
#include "predicates.h"
__host__ __device__
inline unsigned FloatFlip(unsigned f)
unsigned mask = -int(f >> 31) | 0xffffffff; //0x80000000;
return f ^ mask;
__host__ __device__
inline unsigned IFloatFlip(unsigned f)
unsigned mask = ((f >> 31) - 1) | 0xffffffff; //0x80000000;
return f ^ mask;
inline float two_by_two_determinant(float *m )
return m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2];
inline float three_by_three_determinant(float *m)
float u[4] = { m[4], m[5], m[7], m[8] };
float v[4] = { m[3], m[5], m[6], m[8] };
float w[4] = { m[3], m[4], m[6], m[7] };
return m[0] * two_by_two_determinant(u) -
m[1] * two_by_two_determinant(v) +
m[2] * two_by_two_determinant(w);
void three_by_three_inverse(float *m)
float a0[4] = { m[4], m[5], m[7], m[8] };
float a1[4] = { m[2], m[1], m[8], m[7] };
float a2[4] = { m[1], m[2], m[4], m[5] };
float a3[4] = { m[5], m[3], m[8], m[6] };
float a4[4] = { m[0], m[2], m[6], m[8] };
float a5[4] = { m[2], m[0], m[5], m[3] };
float a6[4] = { m[3], m[4], m[6], m[7] };
float a7[4] = { m[1], m[0], m[7], m[6] };
float a8[4] = { m[0], m[1], m[3], m[4] };
float divisor = 1 / three_by_three_determinant(m);
float n[9] = { two_by_two_determinant(a0),
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
m[i] = n[i] * divisor;
__host__ __device__
bool operator()( const unsigned x )
return (bool ) x;
void print_tetra(tetra *t)
printf("t : %d, %d, %d, %d\n", t->p[0], t->p[1], t->p[2], t->p[3]);
void fracture(point *points, tetra *mesh, int *pa, int *insert, int *pfx_sum, int *nt)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i >= *nt)
if (!insert[i])
int offset = (pfx_sum[i] - 1) * 3;
tetra *t = mesh + i;
int p = pa[t->insert_index];
pa[t->insert_index] = -1;
int *vtx = t->p;
new(t + offset + 1) tetra(vtx[0], vtx[2], vtx[3], p);
new(t + offset + 2) tetra(vtx[0], vtx[3], vtx[1], p);
new(t + offset + 3) tetra(vtx[0], vtx[1], vtx[2], p);
new(t) tetra(vtx[3], vtx[2], vtx[1], p);
atomicAdd(nt, 3);
printf("offset[%d] : %d\n", i, pfx_sum[i]);
print_tetra(t + 1);
print_tetra(t + 2);
print_tetra(t + 3);
void compare_distance(point *points, tetra *mesh, int *pa, int *ta, float *dist, int *insert, int n)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i >= n)
if (pa[i] < 0)
union { uint uint_dist; float flt_dist; };
tetra *t = mesh + ta[i];
uint_dist = IFloatFlip(t->min_dist);
if (flt_dist == dist[i])
atomicMin(&(t->insert_index), i);
atomicMax(insert + ta[i], 1);
//printf("%d : %.00f\n", t->insert_index, dist[i]);
void compute_distance(point *points, tetra *mesh, int *pa, int *ta, float *dist, int n, PredicateInfo *preds)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i >= n)
if (pa[i] < 0 )
tetra *t = mesh + ta[i];
float *a = (points + t->p[0])->p;
float *b = (points + t->p[1])->p;
float *c = (points + t->p[2])->p;
float *d = (points + t->p[3])->p;
float *e = (points + pa[i])->p;
float A[9] = { 0 };
float u[3] = { b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1], b[2] - a[2] };
float v[3] = { c[0] - a[0], c[1] - a[1], c[2] - a[2] };
float w[3] = { d[0] - a[0], d[1] - a[1], d[2] - a[2] };
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
int offset = 3 * j;
A[offset + 0] = u[j];
A[offset + 1] = v[j];
A[offset + 2] = w[j];
float B[3] = { e[0] - a[0], e[1] - a[1], e[2] - a[2] };
float x[3] = { A[0] * B[0] + A[1] * B[1] + A[2] * B[2],
A[3] * B[0] + A[4] * B[1] + A[5] * B[2],
A[6] * B[0] + A[7] * B[1] + A[8] * B[2]
if (x[0] > 0 && x[1] > 0 && x[2] > 0 && x[0] + x[1] + x[2] < 1)
dist[i] = insphere(*preds, a, b, c, d, e);
atomicMin(&(t->min_dist), FloatFlip((unsigned& ) dist[i]));
uint uint_dist;
float flt_dist;
uint_dist = IFloatFlip(t->min_dist);
printf("%.00f\n", flt_dist);*/
dist[i] = FLT_MAX;
//printf("%d : %.00f\n", i, dist[i]);
void print_pa(int *pa, int n)
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i >= n)
printf("%d\n", pa[i]);
void regulus(point *points, tetra *mesh, int np)
int tpb = 512;
int blk = np / tpb + (np % tpb ? 1 : 0);
PredicateInfo host_preds;
PredicateInfo *preds;
cudaMalloc(&preds, sizeof(*preds));
cudaMemcpy(preds, &host_preds, sizeof(*preds), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
int *pa = 0, *ta = 0;
cudaMalloc(&pa, np*sizeof(*pa));
cudaMalloc(&ta, np*sizeof(*ta));
int *nt = 0;
cudaMallocManaged(&nt, sizeof(*nt));
*nt = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < np; ++i)
int tmp = 4 + i;
cudaMemcpy(pa + i, &tmp, sizeof(tmp), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemset(ta, 0, np*sizeof(*ta));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
printf("Iterative index : %d\n\n", i);
float *dist = 0;
cudaMalloc(&dist, np*sizeof(*dist));
int *insert = 0, *pfx_sum = 0;
cudaMalloc(&insert, *nt*sizeof(*insert));
cudaMalloc(&pfx_sum, *nt*sizeof(*pfx_sum));
cudaMemset(insert, 0, *nt*sizeof(*insert));
cudaMemset(pfx_sum, 0, *nt*sizeof(*insert));
int tmp = *nt;
compute_distance<<< blk, tpb >>>(points, mesh, pa, ta, dist, np, preds);
compare_distance<<< blk, tpb >>>(points, mesh, pa, ta, dist, insert, np);
thrust::device_pointer_cast(insert) + tmp,
fracture<<< tmp / tpb + (tmp % tpb ? 1 : 0), tpb >>>(points, mesh, pa, insert, pfx_sum, nt);