USB2-0 Device Mode on JetPack-5

Hi everyone,

We are trying to update the usb2-0’s OTG functionality on our custom carrier board’s device tree.

We were be able to use it in OTG mode (creating an external-connection node) with JetPack-4.6.4. However, the extcon funtionality has not be available in JetPack-5 and we could not be able to implement it regarding the Developer Guide. Also, we are using default pinmux files using by NVIDIA SDK Manager.

We are using PZ.01 as VBUS_EN pin and PQ.00 as ID pin.
Here are our dts files generated by the kernel compile
jetpack464.txt (357.9 KB)
jetpack512.txt (375.8 KB)

If you need more details, please let me know.

Best Regards,

The device tree seems correct. You may also add “gpio-usb-b-connector”; to the compatible node of connector.

What is the dmesg right now?

What is the result of “cat /sys/class/usb_role/usb2-0-role-switch/role” when you plug in/out the cable?

Hi @WayneWWW

Here is the dmesg: jetpack512_dmesg.txt (70.4 KB)

When we plug in/out the cable, the related commands results are:

nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ cat /sys/class/usb_role/usb2-0-role-switch/role
nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ cat /sys/class/usb_role/usb2-0-role-switch/role

We updated the dts file (added “gpio-usb-b-connector”) jetpack512.txt (375.8 KB)

And got the latest dmesg logs: jetpack512_dmesg.txt (70.4 KB)

When we plug in/out the cable, the latest commands results are:

nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ cat /sys/class/usb_role/usb2-0-role-switch/role
nvidia@nvidia-desktop:~$ cat /sys/class/usb_role/usb2-0-role-switch/role

You may share your schematic. The result indicates the device tree and hardware design is still mismatched.

If your design is correct, then role shall switch between host/device/none.

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