Dear all,
We have an application consisting mainly of Fortran code and some C / CPP code. We want to utilize the PGI accelerator / GPU possibilities. Furthermore there are a few legacy libraries with CPP code. Furthermore the main program is a CPP file. These legacy libraries are compiled with the Intel icpc / icc compiler (version 10.1), till now we compiled our application also with the mentioned Intel Compiler.
I’m trying to port the application and as the name mangling of the Intel icpc compiler and the PGI pgCC compiler are different it is, as far as I know, not possible (without great effort it might possibly be possible to map the both name mangling onto each other through a glue library).
So I used the Intel icpc compiler for the CPP part and the PGI pgf90 compiler for the Fortran part. Everything compiles and links and the executable starts but after a while the application hangs in the code of one of the legacy libraries (with the Intel icpc and Intel ifort compiler the application works).
Has anyone ever tried to use the Intel icpc compiler together with the PGI pgf90 compiler and found any pitfalls ? or are there any special options to be used ?
Has anyone noticed a similar behavior (application that hangs) ?
This message will be cross posted in the PGI and Intel forums
Any suggestion welcome,
Best Regards,