I’m investigating strange problem when vehicle is passing over a curb, this is happening im my project in the Unreal Engine 4 engine:
4.5 vehicle strange jump - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums , I was hoping this issue is related to “buggy” vehicle integration in UE4, but now I’m able to reproduce this issue in clean PhysX SDK vehicle sampe in 3.3.1 or 3.3.2.
Vehicle Jumping over a curb, Physx 3.3.1 sample - YouTube focus on 19s of the movie, this movie was recorded from 3.3.1 sdk vehicle sample.
I added some code in the SampleVehicle::createObstacles() to create a curb:
//Add three static walls
PxBoxGeometry box(8,2,1);
PxBoxGeometry box2(8, 0.45, 0.1);
PxTransform shapeTransforms[1]={PxTransform(PxIdentity)};
PxGeometry* shapeGeometries[1]={&box};
PxGeometry* shapeGeometries2[1] = { &box2 };
PxMaterial* shapeMaterials[1]={mStandardMaterials[SURFACE_TYPE_TARMAC]};
PxTransform t1(PxVec3( -175.981186 , 9.864196 , -25.040220 ), PxQuat( -0.000417 , 0.042262 , -0.000009 , -0.999106 ) );
PxTransform t2(PxVec3( -174.972122 , 9.864214 , 32.517246 ), PxQuat( -0.000384 , -0.080625 , 0.000019 , -0.996744 ) ) ;
PxTransform t3(PxVec3( 157.825897 , 9.864218 , -83.961632 ), PxQuat( -0.000124 , 0.997806 , -0.000358 , -0.066201 ) );
PxTransform t4(PxVec3(-145, 8.50, 100.040220), PxQuat(0.8, PxVec3(0.f,1.f,0.f)));
addStaticObstacle(t4, 1, shapeTransforms, shapeGeometries2, shapeMaterials); //<-- Curb
Another sample but from PVD recorded from 3.3.2 vehicle sample:
Take a look on the 1193-1194, in 1193 frame the left front wheel moved up and in 1194 whole car goes up with strange rotation.
What can I do to fix this issue? Thanks in advance.