Webgl support on orin

I installed chromium on orin platform,and found that webgl is not enabled on it.I want to know is there a plan to support webgl in the future and when.
Or what can i do to support this feature.Because this feature is very important to me.
thanks a lot.

It is not supported in current Jetpack 5 releases. Currently there is no plan to support it in future release.

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We have investigated why OpenGL HW acceleration is disabled in Chromium and it is because Chromium deb packages are shifted to Snap in Ubuntu 20.04 onwards. We are now working with Canonical on figuring out why OpenGL is not working for apps through Snap . It is tracked in
Bug #2028864 “[snap] chromium browser does not work with acceler...” : Bugs : chromium-browser package : Ubuntu

As a quick solution, please get deb package from:
Packages in “chromium” : chromium : Nathan Teodosio
And give it a try.

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