When WSL is faster than Windows?!

Few remarks
1- I need cython+openmp because simply by changing the compiler
from g++ to nvc++(HPC Nvidia) gives new opportunities

2- Limitations of my system: Initially, I have chosen Ubuntu 18.04 because
it is widely used but now, python 3.6 is old and I can not update to new/future
releases of numpy >1.20 or cupy >9.6. That is bad. I shall install another WSL
more recent and see the difference anyway one side of the equation w11 is always constant.

numpy: 1.20.2
cupy: 9.6.0
pycuda: 2021.1
numba: 0.55.2
cython: 0.29.24

numpy: 1.19.5
cupy: 9.6.0
pycuda: 2021.1
numba: 0.53.1
cython: 0.29.30

OK, quite similar.

ok here we go more tests i will explain them in the next post




