Why no obvious difference between two ways? Writing to global memory

Way 1:
#define AIR(x) (IR(x)&0x7fffffff)
#define IR(x) ((udword&)(x))
kernel code:
udword tx = threadIdx.x;
udword ty = threadIdx.y;
udword bw = blockDim.x;
udword bh = blockDim.y;
udword tid = __umul24(ty, bw) + tx;
udword bid = __umul24(__umul24(blockIdx.x, bw), bh);
udword th_id = bid + tid;
shared float3 pairsCen[512];
shared float3 pairsExt[512];

unsigned int *index0 = &d_Sorted[objID];
float3 cen0 = pairsCen[index0];
float3 extent0 = pairsExt[index0];
unsigned int *index = index0 + 1;
udword offset = 0;
float3 cen = pairsCen[index];
float3 extent = pairsExt[index];
float t1 = cen0.y-cen.y;
float e1 = extent0.y+extent.y;

if(AIR(t1) <= IR(e1)) //(fabs(t1)<=e1)
float t2 = cen0.z-cen.z;
float e2 = extent0.z+extent.z;
if(AIR(t2) <= IR(e2)) //(fabs(t2)<=e2)
d_mulpairs[th_id+offset*totalThreadNum] = *(start_index + index)+1;

#define AIR(x) (IR(x)&0x7fffffff)
#define IR(x) ((udword&)(x))
kernel code:
udword tx = threadIdx.x;
udword ty = threadIdx.y;
udword bw = blockDim.x;
udword bh = blockDim.y;
udword tid = __umul24(ty, bw) + tx;
udword bid = __umul24(__umul24(blockIdx.x, bw), bh);
udword th_id = bid + tid;
shared float3 pairsCen[512];
shared float3 pairsExt[512];

unsigned int *index0 = &d_Sorted[objID];
float3 cen0 = pairsCen[index0];
float3 extent0 = pairsExt[index0];
unsigned int *index = index0 + 1;
udword offset = 0;
udword indexBits = 0;
udword mask = 1;

float t1 = cen0.y-cen.y;
float e1 = extent0.y+extent.y;

if(AIR(t1) <= IR(e1)) //(fabs(t1)<=e1)
float t2 = cen0.z-cen.z;
float e2 = extent0.z+extent.z;
if(AIR(t2) <= IR(e2)) //(fabs(t2)<=e2)
indexBits = indexBits | mask << offset;

d_mulpairs[th_id] = indexBits;

In way 1, writing to global memory is random; While writing to global memory is contiguous in way 2. So, way 2 should be faster than way 1.
But the timing results are similiar. I wonder the reason. It doesn’t make sense. And, I check the PTX code and find all the local variables stored in registers.
But register is fast for access. Anybody who can give me some advice? Thanks very much!

Is the reason of register latency for read after write?

It is best to schedule at least 192 (active) threads per SM. since 16 threads operate in one clock,

so 12*16=192 threads will cover this 12 clock latency. )

But in my case, I have already used 512 thread and 256 active threads per SM.

Why I still have a long register latency?