If you are reporting a bug or error, consider submitting a Support Bundle to aiworkbench-ea@nvidia.com. This will help us solve your issue more quickly.
Please describe your issue or request: (tick the boxes after creating this topic):
Please tick the appropriate box to help us categorize your post
Bug or Error
Feature Request
Documentation Issue
{“level”:“info”,“gitServerUrl”:“https://github.com”,“status”:“”,“time”:“2024-07-18T10:52:46+08:00”,“message”:“Detected git server with valid credentials during auto git author configuration.”}
{“level”:“error”,“isWrapped”:false,“isInteractive”:false,“engine”:“json”,“detail”:“detail”,“time”:“2024-07-18T12:48:06+08:00”,“message”:“Workbench service not reachable.”}
{“level”:“error”,“isWrapped”:false,“isInteractive”:false,“engine”:“json”,“detail”:“detail”,“time”:“2024-07-18T12:51:56+08:00”,“message”:“Workbench service not reachable.”}
Hi - could you please create a support bundle and send it?
Hard to debug without knowing more.
See here.
1 Like
sure thx for u help~
ai-workbench-support-bundle.zip (117.5 KB)
Thank you for trying Workbench!
Will get back to you soon.
Can you please do the following?
- Open up the WSL distro for Workbench,
- You can do that from windows shell by:
- Then list the container images in that WSL shell
- You can do that with the command:
- Then copy and past the terminal output here.
Looking to see if you have the traefik
container built.
1 Like
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux x86_64)
This message is shown once a day. To disable it please create the
/home/workbench/.hushlogin file.
workbench@ConanYaoSLS:~$ podman images
WARN[0000] “/” is not a shared mount, this could cause issues or missing mounts with rootless containers
4302ab6593e9 5 days ago 22.3 GB
docker.io/library/traefik v2.10.7 ee69e8120b64 5 months ago 154 MB
nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch 23.09-py3 c61ed1549935 10 months ago 22.3 GB
workbench@ConanYaoSLS:~$ traefik
traefik: command not found
1 Like
Thanks. We will get back to you soon.
1 Like
@twhitehouse @janeconan
Have you update your driver for your graphic cards. I encountered the same issue as yours. I resolved it by updating the driver. My GPU is RTX 1660Ti