@aplattner please add broken VRR on HDMI. It used to work fine on previous driver version.
Something is broken with the latest NVIDIA Vulkan driver. Whenever a program uses Vulkan and I send a notify-send
signal to dunst, the FPS of the program using Vulkan drops to 1. This is 100% reproducible:
- open vkcube
- run
notify-send test
- vkcube will drop to 1FPS, and will go back to normal once I’ve clicked on the notification (so it’s not on the screen anymore).
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (1.6 MB)
Packages used:
Does HDR not work on the open driver?
It’s already being tracked internally.
Be sure you use egl-wayland 1.17.
eglinfo sort of works here on CachyOS but I get this at the end:
Device #1:
EGL device extensions string:
EGL_EXT_device_drm, EGL_EXT_device_drm_render_node
Platform Device platform:
libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
fish: Job 1, 'eglinfo' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
Doesn’t seem quite right,
Can confirm a lot of these issues, vkd3d still has terrible perf, seems like the performance changes didn’t really affect me and my rtx 3070.
I can also confirm that suspend is very random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But mostly it doesn’t lol
I can also confirm vram issues still occuring on the 570 drivers with Hyprland. I’ve given every ounce of possible information i can in that github thread, if theres anything more for me to share it would be good if nvidia team could reply and let me know what else is needed.
This bug is also still in full force: 560 release feedback & discussion - #580 by faz
I gave a lot of info there with no mention from the nvidia team
My setup is two screens 1 → DP → 2560x1444/144Hz, 2 → HDMI → 3840x2160/144Hz. When i go in full screen in any app (yt videos, games etc.) on my second display it start to flicker (screen goes black and turn on again) in very short intervals (around 1/0.5s). It doesnt stop when i leave fullscreen mode, it only does when i turn my screen off and on. There is no such issue on my first screen. Also, i’ve just updated, and on last version (565.77-3) there wasn’t that issue.
Multi monitor VRR isn’t working for me on Pascal with both mutter and kwin. Guessing this one might be a <= Pascal issue since there were previous issues with single monitor VRR on Wayland.
1080 Ti
On the latest driver, krunner
displays only once. Any subsequent trigger of krunner
results in this message being logged in the journal:
krunner[164950]: qt.qpa.wayland: eglSwapBuffers failed with 0x300d, surface: 0x6220d7925850
Nvidia RTX 4090
egl-wayland 4:1.1.17-1
lib32-nvidia-utils 570.86.16-1
nvidia-open-dkms 570.86.16-2
Arch Linux
KDE Plasma 6.2.5
KDE Frameworks 6.10.0
Kernel 6.13.1-arch1-1
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (888.7 KB)
Same here. This bug has been present for a while, but with the latest driver this crash occurs consistently.
Confirm this as well, same versions for egl-wayland and nvidia drivers/libs
So that’s why krunner is acting wierd.
Sometimes it’s gone, one time it was in the middle of the screen (when I pressed alt+space) despite the setting to show on top of the screen.
Same here.
I just opened this issue: segmentation fault (core dumped) eglinfo · Issue #162 · NVIDIA/egl-wayland · GitHub.
Is anyone able to reproduce this?
No issue seen here using your steps to reproduce on Mutter 47.5+native Wayland (no Xwayland).
Dunst issue? What’s your compositor?
I tried under wayland, it worked fine here. Desktop RTX 4070 Do you use PRIME by any chance?
Just tried again in a Wayland env (sway), and I couldn’t reproduce it!
I’m only able to reproduce it in i3 (X11). I do not have a compositor at all.
I do have a PRIME laptop (RTX 4070+AMD APU), and vkcube runs with the NVIDIA GPU.
Video illustration:
It might be a bug in dunst, that’s exclusive to X11 and the latest NVIDIA driver? A bit lost here since I’ve never experienced this kind of bug :D
I can’t test this on KDE Plasma 6.2.5. But on KDE Plasma 6.3 krunner works without problems for me.
This may be fixed in the new kde version or qt 6.9 where it is compiled.
Fullscreen YouTube videos in KDE Plasma while VRR is enabled causes my monitor to display a “resolution not supported” message and disconnect until I disable VRR and change my refresh rate from KDE’s System Settings. I’m using a 3080 Ti connected to a Odyssey G9 OLED over DisplayPort. This also does not occur when playing games with VRR.
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (2.2 MB)
Edit: I take back what I said about games. VRR works when the game is launched, but if I switch my active window to another application, then switch back to the game, my monitor will remain black until I switch my refresh rate from System Settings.