A problem about parse-bbox-func-name

It is my implementation of parse-bbox-func

extern "C"
bool ForTestParseBox(std::vector<NvDsInferLayerInfo> const &outputLayersInfo,
	NvDsInferNetworkInfo  const &networkInfo,
	NvDsInferParseDetectionParams const &detectionParams,
	std::vector<NvDsInferObjectDetectionInfo> &objectList)
	float* result = (float*)outputLayersInfo[0].buffer;
	int numClassesToParse = detectionParams.numClassesConfigured;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < numClassesToParse; i++)
		NvDsInferObjectDetectionInfo object;
		object.classId = i;
		object.detectionConfidence = 0.7;
		object.left =  (int)result[4 * i + 3];
		object.top =  (int)result[4 * i + 4]; //CLIP(recty1, 0, networkInfo.height - 1);
		object.width =  (int)result[4 * i + 1] - (int)result[4 * i + 3]; //CLIP(rectx2, 0, networkInfo.width - 1) - object.left + 1;
		object.height =  (int)result[4 * i + 2] - (int)result[4 * i + 4]; //CLIP(recty2, 0, networkInfo.height - 1) - object.top + 1;
		std::cout << numClassesToParse << ":" << object.left << ":" << object.top << ":" << object.width << ":" << object.height << std::endl;
	return true;

It doesn’t show anything.I checked the data(object.left,object.top,object.width,object.height) and it was correct.


Could you share the log of this line with us?

std::cout << numClassesToParse << ":" << object.left << ":" << object.top << ":" << object.width << ":" << object.height << std::endl;

A possible issue is that the display window is not in the correct range.
Please share the above log information so we can double check it for you.


nvdsinfer would try to cluster the detected objects generated by the parse function which might lead to the objects not making it to the final nvdsinfer output. Object clustering in nvdsinfer can be switched off by setting group-threshold=0 and minBoxes=0 in [class-attrs-all]/[class-attrs-*] group in the nvinfer config file.