About Audio2Face Integration in Unreal Engine

Hello Everyone
I’m currently building video rendering application using Unreal Engine 5, and gonna use Audio2Face to make lipsync of metahuman.
Generally, to make it, I need to create a usd file containing the lipsync animation generated from Audio2Face, import it in Unreal Engine, and then insert it into the level sequence to be rendered.
And it works very well manually.
This is the link what I referred for this.

However, I would like to automate this operation.
Problem is I cannot find any solution to import usd file automatically.
In other words, I want to import the usd file into Unreal Engine in animation asset format using python script or blueprint.
Is there a solution for this?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @aimotechnetdev and welcome to the forums. This questions is more on the Unreal Engine side. I suggest asking this in Unreal Engine forums to get faster/better answers.

Thanks for fast and quick reply.
But I know you’ve already developed blueprints like this before.

I just want like this feature, but can be run on runtime, not in a blueprint utility mode.
Can you let me know we can implement such feature in runtime blueprint mode?
Best regards.