About coalescing

Hi all,

I am trying to write a mini benchmark to test the coalesced global memory access time. I get some results that is not expected.

What I am doing is: I define a float array x with 32M elements, then I want to move this array to another allocated global memory array y.

Memory accesses are strided, i.e a thread move one element at a time, then move to next stride with stride width = blocksize.

I use only one block of threads, and I change the block size from 16, 32, 64, … to 512.

From CUDA programming guide 2.3, these accesses are coalesced, every 16 requests are coalesced into one memory transaction.

Since the array size is fixed, the total number of transactions are constant, which is 32M/16 = 2M, independent of block size.

But the running time is as follow on GTX 285, I observed similar result on Tesla C1060

block size = 16, t=8846.04395 ms

block size = 32, t=4460.80420 ms

block size = 64, t=2227.35669 ms

block size = 128, t=1111.58301 ms

block size = 256, t=603.39233 ms

block size = 512, t=374.28571 ms

We can see as I double the block size, the performance is almost doubled. So it is possible that there is some overlap

between the request from the first 16 threads and the second 16 threads and so on, OR there might be some caching effect

in the coalesced accesses?

My code is as follow, compiled with nvcc 2.3, without any optimization flags.





#define DIVIDE_INTO(x,y) ((x + y - 1)/y)

define CUDA_SAFE_CALL_NO_SYNC( call) do { \

cudaError err = call;                                                    \

if( cudaSuccess != err) {                                                \

    fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",        \

            __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) );              \

    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                                  \

} } while (0)

define CUDA_SAFE_CALL( call) do { \

CUDA_SAFE_CALL_NO_SYNC(call);                                            \

cudaError err = cudaThreadSynchronize();                                 \

if( cudaSuccess != err) {                                                \

    fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error in file '%s' in line %i : %s.\n",        \

            __FILE__, __LINE__, cudaGetErrorString( err) );              \

    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                                  \

} } while (0)

class timer


cudaEvent_t start;

cudaEvent_t end;













float milliseconds_elapsed()


    float elapsed_time;

    CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaEventRecord(end, 0));


    CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed_time, start, end));

    return elapsed_time;


float seconds_elapsed()


    return 1000.0 * milliseconds_elapsed();



global void memMove(float *src, float *trg, int N){

int i,j;



        trg[j] = src[j];




int main(int argc, char ** argv){

float *x, *y, *dx, *dy;

int N = 1024*1024*32; // array size 32M

int j;

size_t memSize;

int blocksize;

x = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*N);

y = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*N);

if(!x || !y)printf("Error: mem alloc x,y\n");


    x[j] = 1.0f;

    y[j] = 0.0f;


memSize = sizeof(float)*N;





blocksize = 16;


    timer t;



    double msec = t.milliseconds_elapsed();

    printf("block size = %d, t=%.5f ms\n",blocksize,msec);

    blocksize *= 2;








Yes, overlap of memory accesses between warps is 100% guaranteed in your example. To obtain near peak bandwidth, you need to saturate the device with many blocks per multiprocessor.

Yes, overlap of memory accesses between warps is 100% guaranteed in your example. To obtain near peak bandwidth, you need to saturate the device with many blocks per multiprocessor.

Is there any technical specifications about this? This is very important to model and predict the performance of CUDA memory systems.

Is there any technical specifications about this? This is very important to model and predict the performance of CUDA memory systems.

Yes, section “5.2.3 Multiprocessor Level” of the CUDA 3.0 programming guide discusses latency hiding in detail.

If you want to get reasonable results out of your benchmark, you need to mimic what a real CUDA kernel is going to be doing. Launch hundreds or thousands of blocks and break up your array copy into pieces among them. When you only run one block, you are leaving at least 29/30ths of the GPU idle: even worse when you use a small block size (as you discovered).

Yes, section “5.2.3 Multiprocessor Level” of the CUDA 3.0 programming guide discusses latency hiding in detail.

If you want to get reasonable results out of your benchmark, you need to mimic what a real CUDA kernel is going to be doing. Launch hundreds or thousands of blocks and break up your array copy into pieces among them. When you only run one block, you are leaving at least 29/30ths of the GPU idle: even worse when you use a small block size (as you discovered).