Hi, SunilJB,
Thank you for your reply.
What I am trying to do here is to transform our detection model into TensorRT format and test the speed in the jetson TX2 board.
According to your links, I use the “jetson.inference.imageDet(opt.network, sys.argv)” for my case.
I have tested two public detection models that are built with caffe model for VOC dataset detection. I am not able to load neither of them into TensorRT.
For example, I am trying to test the TextBoxes model: “https://github.com/MhLiao/TextBoxes”. I create a folder “TextBoxes” inside of “data/networks” folder, I download the caffemodel, classes.txt and deploy.prototxt into this foler.
Then, I test them in the command line as:
$ ./detectnet-console /home//jetson-inference/data/images/cat_2.jpg /home//output_0.jpg --prototxt=$NET/deploy.prototxt --model=$NET/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel –labels=$NET/classes.txt
I get following error info:
detectNet – loading detection network model from:
– prototxt /home//jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/deploy.prototxt
– model /home//jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel
– input_blob ‘data’
– output_cvg ‘NULL’
– output_bbox ‘softmax’
– mean_pixel 0.000000
– mean_binary NULL
– class_labels NULL
– threshold 0.500000
– batch_size 1
[TRT] TensorRT version 5.1.6
[TRT] loading NVIDIA plugins…
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - GridAnchor_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - NMS_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - Reorg_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - Region_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - Clip_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - LReLU_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - PriorBox_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - Normalize_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - RPROI_TRT
[TRT] Plugin Creator registration succeeded - BatchedNMS_TRT
[TRT] completed loading NVIDIA plugins.
[TRT] detected model format - caffe (extension ‘.caffemodel’)
[TRT] desired precision specified for GPU: FASTEST
[TRT] requested fasted precision for device GPU without providing valid calibrator, disabling INT8
[TRT] native precisions detected for GPU: FP32, FP16
[TRT] selecting fastest native precision for GPU: FP16
[TRT] attempting to open engine cache file /home//jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel.1.1.GPU.FP16.engine
[TRT] cache file not found, profiling network model on device GPU
[TRT] device GPU, loading /home//jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/deploy.prototxt /home//jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
Warning: Flatten layer ignored. TensorRT implicitly flattens input to FullyConnected layers, but in other circumstances this will result in undefined behavior.
[TRT] mbox_loc: all concat input tensors must have the same dimensions except on the concatenation axis
[TRT] mbox_conf: all concat input tensors must have the same dimensions except on the concatenation axis
Caffe Parser: Invalid axis in softmax layer - Cannot perform softmax along batch size dimension and expects NCHW input. Negative axis is not supported in TensorRT, please use positive axis indexing
error parsing layer type Softmax index 95
[TRT] device GPU, failed to parse caffe network
[TRT] device GPU, failed to load /home//jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel
detectNet – failed to initialize.
detectnet-console: failed to initialize detectNet
I tried to generate the engine file, ie.: extBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel.1.1.GPU.FP16.engine, wit the code:
import tensorrt.legacy as trt
from tensorrt.legacy.parsers import caffeparser
G_LOGGER = trt.infer.ConsoleLogger(trt.infer.LogSeverity.ERROR)
OUTPUT_LAYERS = ['prob']
MODEL_PROTOTXT = '/home/***/jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/deploy.prototxt'
CAFFE_MODEL = '/home/***/jetson-inference/data/networks/TextBoxes/TextBoxes_icdar13.caffemodel'
engine = trt.utils.caffe_to_trt_engine(G_LOGGER,
1 << 20,
trt.utils.write_engine_to_file("/home/***/gen_TextBoxes.caffemodel.1.1.GPU.FP16.engine", engine)
But it is also failed with error information as:
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorrt/legacy/utils/init.py in caffe_to_trt_engine(logger, deploy_file, model_file, max_batch_size, max_workspace_size, output_layers, datatype, plugin_factory, calibrator)
351 try:
→ 352 assert(blob_name_to_tensor)
353 except AssertionError:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
7 1 << 20,
----> 9 trt.infer.DataType.FLOAT)
11 trt.utils.write_engine_to_file(“/home/***/gen_TextBoxes.caffemodel.1.1.GPU.FP16.engine”, engine)
/usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorrt/legacy/utils/init.py in caffe_to_trt_engine(logger, deploy_file, model_file, max_batch_size, max_workspace_size, output_layers, datatype, plugin_factory, calibrator)
358 filename, line, func, text = tb_info[-1]
→ 360 raise AssertionError(‘Caffe parsing failed on line {} in statement {}’.format(line, text))
362 input_dimensions = {}
AssertionError: Caffe parsing failed on line 352 in statement assert(blob_name_to_tensor)
Can you provide me some hints to solve these problems?
Thank you very much!