About zeor-cpoy between host and GPU

hi, NV experts, I have some question about zeor-cpoy between host and GPU on ORIN platform:

  1. I want to avoid cudaMemcpy for input and output between host and GPU, is there any other method except unified-memory ?
  2. I want to apply DMA-BUF between different process to transfer data on ORIN, but, I found GPU cannot accept my dma_buf_fd, So, is there any method to solve my trouble?

Is there anyone would like to tell me the secret?


1. Pinned memory is also zero-copy.
2. This can be done by EGL mapping.
Please check our example below:


Here is the CUDA document for Jetson memory for your reference:


Hi, AastaLLL,
thanks for your explanation,
I’ll try your suggestion

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