
Please provide the following information when requesting support.

• Hardware Xavier
• Action RecognitionNet
• TLT Version 3

Information on following page suggests that the ActionRecognitionNet predicts human actions. E.g., walking, pushing, etc.

My question is… could we use this model on a custom dataset involving animals instead of humans? I believe it should not matter, however, your confirmation would really help.

Yes, should be working.

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Thanks, Morgan. Also, last year I had enquired about using posenet for animals. You suggested that “fpenet-generic” will be suitable for my use case and that it will be available soon. I tried but could not locate it, could you please share with me the model details link if you don’t mind?

That is fpenet-generic. We did not describe this in a specific section of TAO user guide. You can download fpenet notebook for the details. TAO Toolkit Quick Start Guide - NVIDIA Docs . It mentions generic keypoint.

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