Adding Pick and Place Task tutorial error

When I copy and paste Adding Pick and Place Task .py from your api tutorials into my example I get an error:

2022-07-08 15:48:25 [1,999,489ms] [Error] [asyncio] [/home/mario/.local/share/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/kit/python/lib/python3.7/asyncio/] Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished coro=<BaseSampleExtension._on_load_world.._on_load_world_async() done, defined at /home/mario/.local/share/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/> exception=TypeError(“init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘robot_articulation’”)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/mario/.local/share/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/”, line 162, in _on_load_world_async
await self._sample.load_world_async()
File “/home/mario/.local/share/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/”, line 50, in load_world_async
await self.setup_post_load()
File “/home/mario/.local/share/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/user_examples/”, line 26, in setup_post_load
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘robot_articulation’

Been working my head around this one and decided to post here If you can brighten up the situation why I can’t replicate the example.
Thank you!

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It appears that you are trying to pass robot_articulation as an argument but it doesn’t exist. If you can provide us with the code, we can tell you what to change.

Let us know if you have further questions.

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