could you please try this rce-fw update for JP-5.1.3 / l4t-r35.5.0, Topic293597_Jun05_rce-fw.7z (199.1 KB)
you should replace it with the default firmware binary, i.e. $OUT/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/camera-rtcpu-t234-rce.img
here’s flash command-line, you may perform partition flash to update the rce-fw on your target.
for instance, $ sudo ./ -r -k A_rce-fw jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1
Thanks for the firmware, at least two of the faulty modules have not failed after updating. We’ll do more thorough testing and report back on the issue.
Is the new firmware tailor-made for this issue, or can it be used in production? Any updates or official bugfix releases including the new firmware coming to JetPack 5?
did you meant you still have few modules cannot resolve CSI issue?
for instance, how many modules (in percentages) still failed after the firmware update?
such rce-fw update (i.e. Topic293597_Jun05_rce-fw.7z) to include few known bug fixes. you may use that firmware for production.
those fixes has done code-review and also check-in to the rel-35 code-line, please expect the next r35 public release (Jetpack-5.1.4/l4t-r35.6.0) will also include the same fix.
Meant that I briefly tested only two of the affected modules, we did run broader tests overnight for those two and the new rce-firmware seems to work well. We still have a few units to test, but overall looks very promising. May I know what was the root cause of the failures?
Any idea on when 5.1.4 will officially be released? Jetson Roadmap | NVIDIA Developer has probably not been updated as it shows that 5.1.4 is to be released in April.
there’re couple of bug fixes, and also some minor update.
for instance,
(1) Asynchronous spurious data errors occurring between FE and FS were causing the code to report a sync failure.
(2) Reset calibration values before IDAC calibration.
it’s schedule to Q3/2024. unfortunately, I don’t have solid release date.