Applying for the Jestson Orin Nano EDU discount

Hi NVIDIA team!

I am from Colomnbia and I want to apply to the EDU discount for the Jetson Orin Nano developer kit. I landed to this page:
but i cannot see a form to fill to apply as a student to this discount. I have registered already with the email address of my university but I don’t know how to apply to get the discount code.
Can you please help me?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @maacostaro, thanks for reaching out! - we are looking into the distribution and discount availability in your region. Our support team will be back in touch with you, thanks for your patience.

Thank you! looking forward!

Hi @dusty_nv, no one has reach regarding the EDU discount. I really need to know as soon as possible. Please help me with this!

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