Argus output taking for post processing in CUDA


The image processing algorithm which is not available in the hardware ISP of jetson xavier AGX post processing need to be done in CUDA.

Can you tell about how the EGL stream can be taken from the argus output to process in CUDA gpu.

My application is video streaming with 30 fps. So while loading argus output into cuda the fps rate is reducing.

Thanks in advance

Please check createNvBuffer() and copyToNvBuffer() in 09 sample:


And then refer to cuda_postprocess() in 12 sample for post processing in CUDA

Hi @DaneLLL
The one you have mentioned is getting stream from v4l2 to cuda. But I need to capture the output stream from argus and need to process it in cuda

Can you explain how this could be done?

Thanks in advance

The 09 sample is to capture frame data through Argus, and you would need to port cuda_postprocess() from 12 sample to 09 sample to fit your use-case.

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