I’m getting an error when reloading models during training phase. Has anyone got any advice?
I’m getting an error when reloading models during training phase. Has anyone got any advice?
Hi @mn17b2m
Can you provide some information regarding what version of Modulus you are running. Is this a bare metal install or a Docker image.
I have personally not seen this issue before but based on a related Github issue seems its a bug others are seeing in current PyTorch version that could be related to Cuda Graphs.
Perhaps try shutting off Cuda Graphs with cuda_graphs: False
in your config to disable this feature?
I’m running v22.03 and it is bare metal install on google colab
Cuda Graphs is a feature present in 22.07, not 22.03 so its not relevant. Based on that PyTorch issue thread I linked, you may want to try downgrading your PyTorch version. (Seems this is happening for people on PyTorch 1.12). Please have a look there for more information that may be relevant to you.