Asynchronous kernel execution and memory not overlapping using CUDA stream!


I’m trying to use CUDA stream to build a processing pipeline that overlaps my kernel launch and memory transfer from and to GPU. Although the kernel has been distributed to various stream, all the processing was actually serialised and the memcpy is not overlapping the kernel execution at all. I wonder if someone could have a look and advice me on this? I’m using CUDA 8, gtx 980, and have added the --default-stream per thread command before compiling using visual studio.

Below is the profiling results and code to overlap the kernel execution and memory transfer.


for (h = 0; h < numFrame; h++) {
		for (i = 0; i < numAngle; i++) {
			printf("Recon image %d", i + h*numAngle);
			offSetIn = (h*numAngle + i)*numSample*numChannel;
			offSetOut = (h*numAngle + i)*imageHeight*imageWidth;

			h_t0_wl = h_t0[i] * h_fs + 0.5f;

			myparms.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(d_RFIn + offSetIn, numSample * sizeof(float2), numSample, 1);
			myparms.dstPos = make_cudaPos(0, 0, numChannel*(i%nLayered));
			cudaMemcpy3DAsync(&myparms, stream[i]);

			kernel_DAS_DynApo8 << <dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream[i] >> > (d_LRI + offSetOut, d_pixelMapX, d_pixelMapZ, h_angle[i], imageHeight, imageWidth, numChannel, h_t0_wl, i%nLayered);
			cudaMemcpy2DAsync(h_LRI_r + offSetOut, sizeof(float), d_LRI + offSetOut, sizeof(float2), sizeof(float), imageHeight*imageWidth, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream[i]);
			cudaMemcpy2DAsync(h_LRI_i + offSetOut, sizeof(float), &(d_LRI[offSetOut].y), sizeof(float2), sizeof(float), imageHeight*imageWidth, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream[i]);


on windows, WDDM command batching can interfere with seeing proper overlap/concurrency

Thanks txbob. Do you think there might be other method other than using cudaStreamQuery to flush the command queue? It seem there is some overlapping in the memory transfer out but the memory transfer to GPU is still preventing the kernel from running ascynchronously.

External Media

for (h = 0; h < numFrame; h++) {
		for (i = 0; i < numAngle; i++) {
			printf("Recon image %d", i + h*numAngle);
			offSetIn = (h*numAngle + i)*numSample*numChannel;
			offSetOut = (h*numAngle + i)*imageHeight*imageWidth;

			h_t0_wl = h_t0[i] * h_fs + 0.5f;

			myparms.srcPtr = make_cudaPitchedPtr(d_RFIn + offSetIn, numSample * sizeof(float2), numSample, 1);
			myparms.dstPos = make_cudaPos(0, 0, numChannel*(i%nLayered));
			cudaMemcpy3DAsync(&myparms, stream[i]);

			kernel_DAS_DynApo8 << <dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream[i] >> > (d_LRI + offSetOut, d_pixelMapX, d_pixelMapZ, h_angle[i], imageHeight, imageWidth, numChannel, h_t0_wl, i%nLayered);
			cudaMemcpy2DAsync(h_LRI_r + offSetOut, sizeof(float), d_LRI + offSetOut, sizeof(float2), sizeof(float), imageHeight*imageWidth, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream[i]);
			cudaMemcpy2DAsync(h_LRI_i + offSetOut, sizeof(float), &(d_LRI[offSetOut].y), sizeof(float2), sizeof(float), imageHeight*imageWidth, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream[i]);


The cudaMemcpy3DAsync is launched into the same stream as the kernel call, so clearly the kernel call within that loop iteration cannot run concurrently with that particular transfer to the device.

I don’t know of other methods to flush the command queue, but I’m sure they exist.